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12-02-1974 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1974 Minutes
12-02-1974 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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December 2, 1974 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park, Pecreational and Envicrn- <br /> mental Commission was called to order at 8; 10 P.M. on December 2, 1974 <br /> by Chairman McGeary. Members present: Brisson, Kendall , LeTourneau, <br /> and Resch. Members absent: Clausen and Dent. COuncl iman McLean was <br /> a I so present. <br /> Mrs. LeTourneau motioned to accept the minutes of the October 21 , 1974 <br /> meeting as written. Seconded by Mrs. Brisson. ^motion carried. <br /> The first item of business was a discussion of the letter that had been <br /> received from ifie Lino Lakes Athletic Association. The Clerk had writ- <br /> ten a letter to the association Inviting a rapresenta t i ve to this met- <br /> ing but at this time no-one had shun up. It was decided to discuss <br /> each item in the letter and to have the Clerk write a letter to the <br /> association in reply . <br /> Point one of the letter pointed out a need for better maintenance of <br /> the grass areas. It was pointed out that there had been a schedule <br /> for mowing during the baseball and football seasons and the the <br /> schedule had been adhered to except in cases where the mower was not <br /> n working or weather conditions were such that it was Impossible to mow. <br /> It was also noted that 25 hours per week were allotted for mowing <br /> all the parks In the City. <br /> The need for better maintenance of the ice rink was discussed and it <br /> was brought out that the ice rink at the Hall Park is only temporary <br /> and when the permanent' rink is installed there w i 11 be better main- <br /> tenance of this rink. The Commission hopes to install a permanent <br /> rink in time for the 1975 hockey season comp I ete with a pe rmaneet r <br /> warming house. <br /> Item 2 regarding the ball field and existing backstop was next on <br /> the discussion. The new ball field is under consideration and the <br /> backstop wi I I be pulled out this week, if weather conitions permit <br /> and it wi I 1 be properly installed in the spring. <br /> item 3, the loss of the ball field at Lino School , is not the <br /> concern of the City but we do realize the need for an additional <br /> playing field and we are taking steps to procure another area that is <br /> suitable for a ball field. <br /> During the discussion of this letter, Mr. arrived. In addition <br /> to being a member of this Commission, Mr. Ke3Ch is president of the <br /> Lino Lakes Athletic Association. Mr. Resch preser.-fed the side of the <br /> association on the qupstioJis raised in the I^ -+er and also brought up <br /> n the question of the warrii:ng house that wI I i 5E, nic--ssary at the Hal l <br /> Park for the coming hockey season. He wan-ied iv know if it would be <br />
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