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03-18-1974 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1974 Minutes
03-18-1974 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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March 18, 1974 <br /> The regular meeting of the Park, Recreational and Enviornmental Board was called <br /> to order at 8:05 p.m. by Chairman McGeary. Members present Brisson, Clausen, <br /> Kendall, Kent, LeTourneau, Resch. Mr. :McLean, Council liaison was also present. <br /> Mr. Kent moved to approve the minutes of the February 18, 1974 meeting as written. <br /> Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Motion carried. <br /> The mans of Sunrise Park were given to ^Mrs. Kendall and Mr. Clausen. These members <br /> were given this Park area for study and recommendations. These maps are small and <br /> larger ones will be available later from the- City Engineer. <br /> mr. McLean had obtained large maps of the Hall property. These were given to tar. <br /> Kent and Mr. Resch. They will be studing this area for possible improvements. <br /> Mrs. Brission and Mrs. LeTourneau were given a set of the Comprehensive Land Use <br /> "!:aps to be used in their study of the overall need for future Park sites . <br /> 1r. McLean presented the overall Comprehensive Land Use Map as drawn by "Mr. Starr. <br /> He noted the land that will be included in the Anoka County Open Space Program. <br /> He reported on the meeting with the Anoka County Commissioners and the final agree- <br /> ment worked out in reference to the golf course. The Commissioners agreed with the <br /> Resolution and Exhibit A with the exception of the 342 acres of the golf course. <br /> The City will not support the taking of the golf course, but neither uill they <br /> oppose. The decision on this will remain with the County Park Board. Fie made note <br /> of the existing Parks and pointed out the areas of proposed Parks in conjunction <br /> with future development. <br /> The Clerk had supplied a copy of the 1974 Park Budget. Mr. McGeary went through <br /> this with the Board members. <br /> Mr. McGeary presented maps to the members showing the location of a fence to be <br /> installed at the Lino Park. This fence will be set back from Lake Drive and the <br /> area will be used for parking. There will be a truck entrance and a narrow turn- <br /> style type entrance for pedestrians. This type of entrance will keep snowmobiles <br /> and motorcycles out of the Park area. One bid for the fence from North Suburban had <br /> been received in the amount of $2250.00. Several more are expected. These will be <br /> presented to the Council for consideration and acceptance. The Board would prefer <br /> to have this fence installed before any sod or landscaping is done within the Park <br /> area for protection. <br /> Mr. Clausen said the next area to be considered for a fence is the Sunrise Park <br /> area. He and Mrs. Kendall had spent several hours at the Park talking to Mrs. <br /> Billik. She tells them that cars and motorcycles are tearing the ball diamonds to <br /> `nits. <br /> Mr. McGeary asked for a motion to present this fence nroj&ect to the Council for <br /> action. Mrs. LeTourneau moved to recommend to the Council that the low bid be <br /> accepted and the fence installed at the Lino Park. Seconded by Mr. Clausen. <br /> Motion carried. <br />
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