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07/06/1987 Park Board Packet
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07/06/1987 Park Board Packet
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PARK BOARD <br /> July 6 , 1987 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to <br /> order at 7 : 54 P .M . , Monday July 6 , 1987 at the Lino Lakes City <br /> Hall. Members present : Chairman Ray Johnson , Ken Johnson , Candy <br /> Toffoli , George Lindy. Mr. Baumann joined the meeting at 8 : 07 P .M . <br /> Mr. Nissen was absent . Newly-appointed member , Robert Williams was <br /> informed of this meeting , but was absent . <br /> CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES - June 1 , 1987 <br /> Mrs . Toffoli moved to accept the minutes of the 6/1/87 Park Board <br /> meeting as presented . Mr. Lindy seconded the motion which carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> WALTER PRACHAR - POSSIBLE PARK LAND NEAR CENTERVILLE ROAD AND <br /> BIRCH STREET <br /> At the June , 1987 Park Board meeting the members reviewed a sub- <br /> division-,: proposal from Walter Prachar . At that time the Board asked <br /> that , in accordance with City Ordinance , land be requested as park <br /> dedication for the subdivision and that the Park Board wanted to <br /> discuss this with Mr. Prachar. <br /> Mr . Prachar explained that the proposed subdivision has since been <br /> withdrawn because the land in question was sold as one large parcel . <br /> He further explained that he does however own an additional parcel <br /> of land on Centerville Road , just north of Birch Street , which-he is <br /> interested in selling (approximately 20 acres ) . <br /> Chairman Ray Johnson asked the asking price of the 20 acre parcel <br /> and Mr. Prachar said he is open to negotiation . Mr . Johnson thanked <br /> Mr. and Mrs . Prachar for sharing their interest to sell with the <br /> Park Board and said the Park Board would discuss this . <br /> After Mr. and Mrs . Prachar left the meeting , Chairman Johnson asked <br /> that staff provide for the next Park Board meeting the selling price <br /> of the parcel recently sold by Mr . Prachar and that the Park Board <br /> members each look at the site for further discussion at the next <br /> meeting . Mr . Volk stated that the area of Centerville Road and <br /> Birch Street will not satisfy the request for an "east side" park , <br /> (east of 35E) . Mr . Lindy stated that he felt that the population <br /> growth being experienced within the City is not east of 35E , but <br /> rather along Birch Street between West Shadow Lake Dr" ive and Center- <br /> ville Road . Mr . Bisel reminded the group that this property offered <br /> by Mr. Prachar borders Centerville , and the group should consider <br /> the community relations affect . He also said that a water tower <br /> would be required soon in that general vicinity. <br /> CANDY ST . CLAIR - PATHWAY ACCESS TO PARK <br /> Ms . St . Clair appeared before the Board explaining that she lives <br /> in the Menkveld 's Forest Glen subdivision abutting the Sunset Oaks <br /> subdivision. Sunset Oaks does have a neighborhood park while her <br /> subdivision does not and her children and other neighbor children <br />
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