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06-03-1985 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1985 Minutes
06-03-1985 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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PARK BOARD <br /> June 3 , 1985 <br /> Chairman Ken Johnson called to order the June 3 , 1985 meeting <br /> of the Lino Lakes Park Board at 7 : 02 P.M. Present: Scherer , <br /> Flannery , Lindy. Absent : Nissen, Ray Johnson, and new member , <br /> Joseph Sacco. Also present were Mr. Bohjanen, Council Liaison ; <br /> Mr. Schumacher, City Administrator ; and Mrs . Foster , Secretary. <br /> CONSIDERA7"ION OF MINUTES - APRIL 8 , 1985 <br /> There had been a regular meeting called for May , 1985 ; however, <br /> there was no quorum for that evening, thus the meeting was can- <br /> celled. Therefore , the last set of minutes for the Park Board <br /> was taken at the April 8 , 1985 meeting. <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to approve the April 8 , 1985 meeting minutes <br /> as presented. Seconded by Mr. Lindy, and carried unanimously . <br /> SUNSET OAKS PARK DEDICATION <br /> The issue of what is owed the City for park dedication from the <br /> development of Sunset Oaks has been discussed on several occasions <br /> since the beginning of the Sunset Oaks development in 1976/1977 . <br /> The City staff has compiled the portions of the City Council min- <br /> utes which pertain to this subject for the Park Board' s review. <br /> Mr. Schumacher explained that the only action actually taken by <br /> the City Council took place at the November 22 , 1976 Council <br /> meeting, as quoted : <br /> "This plat has proposed less than 10% of the total acreage <br /> for park purposes with the money to be used for the devel- <br /> opment of the proposed park areas . This is a combination <br /> of land and money proposal . " . . . . "Mr. Schneider added <br /> 11-N there be three parks according to Ordinance 21B* , with the <br /> escrow to be established within 60 days , this escrow to <br /> equal 10% of market value as assessed. It was also men- <br /> tioned that two parks be completed as tot lots , and the <br /> northern-most park to include a baseball field. The motion <br /> carried unanimously. " <br /> `Ordinance 21B - This. ordinance spells out the responsibility of <br /> a developer to dedicate 10% of the land within the subdivision <br /> (less any public streets) or cash equivalent (based upon market <br /> value) to the City for park purposes . <br /> Mr. Schumacher explained that Mr. Roy Stanley, a representative <br /> of Tilsen Properties (the Sunset Oaks developer) , was requested <br /> to attend the May, 1985 Park Board meeting . Mr . Stanley did <br /> come to the City Hall on the evening of that planned meeting , but <br /> since there was no quorum that evening , the meeting did not take <br /> place . Mr. Stanley was unable to attend tonight ' s meeting. <br /> Mr. Schumacher reported that through brief conversations with Mr. <br /> Stanley, it appears that there may be a difference of opinion <br /> with regard to what the City would calculate as due versus what <br /> Mr. Stanley would calculate for park dedication. <br />
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