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04-08-1985 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1985 Minutes
04-08-1985 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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PARK BOARD <br /> Page Two April 8 , 1985 <br /> With regard to the legal responsibility for swimmers at the <br /> Country Lakes Park, Mr . Volk stated that he has spoken very <br /> briefly with the City Attorney , and it appears that the only <br /> measure that the City can take to protect itself is to put up <br /> signs informing swimmers that they swim at their own risk. <br /> Even with the signs , however, it appears that the City is <br /> liable because the beach is on City property . Before the <br /> beach opens , however, this question will be researched fully . <br /> - Mr. Lindy suggested that a layer of sand be added to the <br /> lake in the swimming area due to the fact that the lake bottom <br /> is clay . <br /> - A little brushing out and work on the walking paths has been <br /> done at Country Lakes Park. <br /> - Fill has been located for the BMX track reconstruction which <br /> it planned for this summer. <br /> - There is money left in the budget for some work at the BMX <br /> track and also for the City nursery and some grass seeding in <br /> 1985 . <br /> - Mr . Volk presented a plan for increasing the parking capacity <br /> at Lino Park to nearly double and stated he felt that this <br /> could be done yet in 1985 . <br /> - The consensus of the Board was that the first priority for <br /> a revised capital improvement plan would be the playground <br /> equipment at Lino Park and secondly some equipment installed <br /> ^ at Arena Acres . <br /> Ray Johnson moved to order and install signs on Main Street directing <br /> those interested in finding the tennis courts at Arena Acres . Mr . <br /> Flannery seconded the motion . Motion carried unanimously . <br /> Ray Johnson suggested approaching the City Council with a proposal <br /> for a bond issue for park money due to the fact that the building <br /> has slowed down and their is no capital improvement money left . <br /> Mr . Volk agreed to put together a summary of dedicated park funds , <br /> park grants , park needs per the recent survey , equipment and faci- <br /> lities currently in each park, etc. and send out to the Board members <br /> within ten days . The subject of 'Capital Improvement Plan ' will re- <br /> main on each month 's agenda until a proposal is put together to pre- <br /> sent to the City Council . This proposal will have to be completed <br /> before the beginning of August , at which time administrative staff <br /> will begin compiling budget proposals for 1986 . <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> The Park Dedication Policy addressed at last month 's meeting goes <br /> before the Council this evening. The Council addressed the issue <br /> at their last meeting, but requested that the City Planner return <br /> with his recommendations . <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> The next meeting of the Park Board is regularly scheduled for May <br /> 6 , 1985 . All members said they could attend on that date . <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to adjourn the meeting at 8 :00 P .M. Ray Johnson <br /> seconded . Aye . <br />
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