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09-10-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1984 Minutes
09-10-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> September 10, 1984 <br /> ^" The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order at <br /> 7: 15 P.M. on September 10 , 1984 by Chairman Ken Johnson . Mr . Scherer, <br /> Mr. Nissen and Mr. Flannery were present . Mr. R. Johnson and Mr. Lindy <br /> were absent . Mr. Volk was also present . <br /> MINUTES - August 6 , 1984 <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Mr. <br /> Flannery . Motion carried. <br /> CONSIDERATION OF REEVALUATING LAMOTTE PARK VACATION <br /> Several people were in attendance to voice their concerns regarding the <br /> LaMotte Park issue. Mr. Roger Haufineister stated that the consensus of <br /> the neighborhood is that the area should be left as green space and said <br /> the neighbors would maintain the park if the area would be graded and <br /> seeded as he remembered was proposed in the past . <br /> Mr. Mastro confirmed the above, as did Fran Timmers, who also mentioned <br /> that the nearby Centerville Park is laid out for larger children, and or- <br /> ganized sports and not for tots. <br /> Ron Weise supported previous statements and also voiced a desire for a <br /> small tot green area to be developed on LaMotte Park. <br /> ,0"**N Mr. Volk when questioned said that the City mows the area twice a year and <br /> occasionally cleans up trash on the property . All residents said they con- <br /> tributed to that park land when they purchased their lots and would like <br /> it to remain green acres. <br /> Mrs . Shirley Drewlo stated the reasons she had for wanting to have the <br /> property back. She would be willing to trade a portion of her abutting <br /> land for LaMotte Park for platting purposes of abutting land. <br /> Mr. Flannery felt that this issue and all involved had been bounced around <br /> for much too long and he suggested this item be included on the next Plan- <br /> ning and Zoning Board meeting, to which Mr. Johnson, Mr. Flannery, Mr. <br /> Scherer would go and try to come up with a decision jointly with the <br /> P & Z along with the P & Z ` s opinion on how the park would affect <br /> proposed plat , and the input from the neighbors . The Park Board asked <br /> to be notified as to when this would appear on P & Z agenda. Mr. Roger <br /> Haufineister (429-1419) and Mr. Mike Mastro (429-1830) also wish to be <br /> notified. <br /> CONSIDERATION OF DRAFT PARK SCHEDULING AND RESERVATION POLICY <br /> Mr. Volk referred to the research done regarding how neighboring communities <br /> handle their reservations for parks . The Park Board and Mr . Volk decided <br /> that in compiling a reservation policy, the following should be taken into <br /> account : <br />
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