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Park Board <br /> April 2, 1984 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was convened on <br /> April 2, 1984. In the absence of Mr. K. Johnson, Chairman, the Board <br /> voted Mr. J. Flannery as Chairman. <br /> Mr.Flannery called the meeting to order and asked for roll call . <br /> Members present ; Mr. R. Johnson, Mr. Scherer, Mr. Arntzen, Mr. Lindy. <br /> Absent : Mr. K. Johnson and Mr. Nissen. <br /> Mr. Flannery noted that Mr. Nissen is the new member on the Park Board <br /> just appointed by the Council and, although he is not present , wished <br /> to welcome him. <br /> MINUTES - March ', 1984 <br /> Mr. R. Johnson moved to approve the minutes . Seconded by Mr. Scherer.. <br /> Mr. Schumacher pointed out that the statement in the minutes that the <br /> application for Bicycle Path grant had been turned down was incorrect . <br /> This application is still pending. Motion to approve with corrections <br /> was approved. <br /> USE OF SUNRISE PARK - Mr. Schmidt <br /> Mr. Schmidt had presented a request to use Sunrise Park for an entire <br /> weekend and Mr. Schumacher had suggested he appear before the Park <br /> Board and present his request . Mr. Schmidt had not arrived as yet. <br /> The Park Board delayed any action on his request until his arrival. <br /> FINANCIAL REPORT - Dedicated Funds <br /> Mr. R. Johnson asked about an Auditor' s Adjustment note and it was <br /> explained this figure represents interest . <br />• Mr. Schumacher pointed out there will be some costs coming in from <br /> the work being done in Country Lakes Park - these bills will be paid <br /> from this fund and will then be submitted to the Federal Government <br /> for replacement from the LAWCON Grant . The balance in the Dedicated <br /> Park Fund as of March 1, 1984 is $97,769.81. <br /> RECREATIONAL SURVEY FOLLOW-UP <br /> This is an update on the survey that was conducted last year. Mr. <br /> Flannery explained the backg7ound of this survey for the benefit of <br /> Mr. Bohjanen who was not familar with the survey. <br /> Mr. Flannery noted the he and Mrs. LaBlond were to have prepared an <br /> article for publication setting forth the results of this survey. They <br /> had felt that the residents should be aware of the results. <br /> The various recreational activities that people choose for themselves <br /> were discussed with the Park Board agreeing that some of the more <br /> n <br />