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Park Board Meeting <br />Monday, May 6, 1991 <br />The regular May meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to <br />order at 7:00 PM on May 6, 1991 by Chairman Ray Johnson. Roll Call <br />was taken, members in attendance were: Ken Johnson, Ray Johnson, <br />John Baumann and Candi Toffoli. Members absent were: Bill Nissen, <br />and Bob Williams. Staff in attendance were Marty Asleson, <br />Superintendent of Parks, Recreation and Forestry, Barry Bernstein, <br />Recreation Program Supervisor, and Carole Kohler, Parks Secretary. <br />George Lindy arrived at 7:08 PM. <br />There were no corrections or additions to the minutes of the April <br />1, 1991 meeting. They were approved as mailed. <br />Open Mike: No one appeared under open mike. <br />OLD BUSINESS• <br />PARK UPDATES - <br />Birch Park - Marty Asleson reported that the land purchase was <br />finally complete. The final purchase price was $11,250.00 plus <br />legal fees, etc. Funds for the purchase were taken from the <br />dedicated park fund. Ray Johnson asked if Birch Park wasn't <br />supposed to be finished with dedicated funds this year. Marty <br />explained that progress on the park may be slowed down somewhat <br />this year because of other expenditures such as the comprehensive <br />park plan study, land purchases and also the additional time <br />required to maintain the fields now that there is organized <br />playground time scheduled. <br />Ray Johnson commented that Birch Park looks real good. The grass <br />and trees are coming along great. He said that he has gotten very <br />favorable comments from neighbors regarding how good Birch Park is <br />looking. <br />Comprehensive Park Plan - Marty reported tha- <br />Park Plan Committee met for the first time o <br />1991. Jeff Schoenbauer from Brauer & Associates <br />Staff to put together a check list for a plan a <br />Marty just today received a park plan and <br />proposal in the mail and hadn't had a chanc <br />Evidently the plan is in the budget stage now, <br />the Council for approval before the Committee <br />explained that the plan seemed to be putting a <br />park land to the South. <br />1 <br />. the Comprehensive <br />i Tuesday, April 9, <br />will meet with City <br />to where to start. <br />development guide <br />to study it yet. <br />and it has to go to <br />meets again. Marty <br />lot of emphasis on <br />