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08/25/2021 Environmental Board Minutes
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08/25/2021 Environmental Board Minutes
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Environmental Board <br />August 25, 2021 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVED MINUTES <br />report included a detailed description of the site’s characteristics, including soils, <br />significant resources, stormwater management and drinking water protection, wetlands, <br />and a tree preservation plan among others. <br /> <br />Staff recommended approval of the request with the following recommendations: <br />1. A survery for rare, unique, and significant resources should be performed. This <br />survey should include a data request to the MN DNR for Natural Heritage <br />Information System data for this site. The survey should also include information on <br />presence and/or extent of any MN DNR listed threatened, endangered, or special <br />concern species. If any of the aforementioned species are identified on the site, their <br />locations should be mapped as this may impact future work on the lots (lake access <br />locations, for example). <br />2. Buffers for wetlands and shore of Amelia Lake should be established in accordance <br />with Vadnais Lake Area Watershed Management Organization (VLAWMO) <br />recommendations. This may impact the placement of the house on lot 2. The <br />driveway placement on lot 2 may require a variance to be obtained from the Planning <br />and Zoning Board. <br />3. Tree protection fence appears to encroach on protected root zone areas on trees on all <br />four lots. Trees that have more than 30 percent of their root zones impacted shall be <br />counted as removed and must be mitigated for at applicable rates unless they are in <br />basic use areas. <br />4. Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) and Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila) appear on the <br />list of trees intended to be saved. These trees should be removed if they are in the <br />vicinity of other planned removals. Mitigation trees for removals of these species <br />will not be required. <br />5. Red maple and sugar maple be removed from the suggested trees to replant with list <br />on the Tree Mitigation Plan. <br />6. Stormwater basins are not part of the Basic Use Areas. Trees that are planned to be <br />removed in these areas must be mitigated for at applicable rates. <br /> <br />Mr. Schwartz inquired if this site was part the greenway system of Lino Lakes, and what <br />would happen after a survey of rare and unique species was conducted. Mr. Nelson <br />confirmed that the portions of the east shore of Lake Amelia is located within the <br />greenway system. Mr. Nelson also noted that if endangered and/or threatened species <br />were identified, it may impact how work is performed on the site. If special concern <br />species were found, that should be communicated to homeowners as it may impact where <br />they should establish lake accesses. <br /> <br />Mrs. Holmes wanted to note that the tree removal is an area of concern. Having a large <br />number of trees with only 11 being designated to be mitigated for is alarming. <br /> <br />Mr. Nelson noted that there may be more mitigation trees required for removals planned <br />in the area of the stormwater basins as they are not considered part of the Basic Use <br />Areas.
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