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09/17/1969 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/17/1969 P&Z Minutes
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5/6/2022 8:33:41 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Commission held on September <br />17, 1969, was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Chairman McLean with all members present except <br />Stanley, Jester and Councilman Cardinal. Also present were Councilman Jaworski and Attorney <br />Locher and a good -sized audience. No one was present from Naegele Outdoor Advertising who <br />had previously requested a public hearing. <br />Mr. Rehbein and ltd. Karth stated that they had been unable to meet to study the Uniform Bldg. <br />Code and also that Mr. Jester did not wish to remain on the committee. Mr. McLean appointed <br />Mr. Husnik to fill in on the committee. <br />Mr. Rehbein moved to recommend to the Council that they delay action on the Uniform Building <br />Code for Lino Lakes for one more month until the Planning Board Committee has a chance to <br />meet together with the Building Inspector and study the code in depth. Seconded by Mr. Kelling <br />Carried. <br />Three gentlemen were present from the Minnesota Mobile Home Association at the request of Mr. <br />Gotwald. They stated that just recently the Minnesota Legislature had allowed 14' x 68t <br />trailers in Minnesota. In most cases the taxes on the new trailers are from $145 -160 per <br />year with the park owner paying a large amount in real estate taxes every year. The average <br />number of school age children in each mobile home is .025 nationwide. Much discussion was <br />held on buffer zones, fire hazards, ordinances, etc. The men were thanked for coming. <br />At 9:00 p.m. the public hearing for Acton Construction Company was opened with many interested <br />neighbors in the audience. Affidavits of posting and mailing had been received. Mr. Paul <br />Miller wished to have 140 acres near Main Street and Interstate 35E rezoned to commercial. <br />He had no specific plans for this land and stated the main problem in development was the lack <br />of a sewer system. <br />Mr. Kelling moved that the public hearing for Acton Construction Company be continued for a <br />period of six months during which time Mr. Miller could have time to develop his ideas and <br />come up with more concrete evidence of what commercial establishments would build on the re- <br />zoned property. The Planning Board recommended the Council act likewise. Seconded by Mr. <br />Husnik. Carried. <br />A representative in the audience from B.W. and Leo Harris Company, adjoining property owners, <br />stated that he wished to get together with Mr. Miller and other interested property owners <br />and try to solve the sewer situation. The public hearing for Acton was closed. <br />Mr. McLean presented a sign ordinance which he and Mr. Kelling had worked out and were <br />recommending to the Board for possible action. They also presented for the Council's IMO <br />a list of suggested fees and the sign permit application blank. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to present the sign ordinance to the Council to hand over to the pr•per ,r.( -- <br />fessional men for examination and possible approval. Seconded by Mr. Rehbein. Carried. <br />Mr. Tom VanHousen took the floor to state that he was paying a surprise visit to the Board <br />meeting and that he had been favorably impressed by the actions of the Board this evening. <br />He stated that from his observations so far the Village is an excellent one for development <br />and the Board and the Council should consider it a challenge. <br />Mr. VanHousen read a list of criteria that the Board should request of anyone requesting re- <br />zoning of land such as a topographical map showing details of recreational area, parking area, <br />landscaping, sewers, etc. and architectural plans including colors, etc. ( a copy of the <br />suggested requirements before requesting mooning is on file in the Clerk's office.) <br />Mr. Karth presented the problem of a roadway to his neighbor's house and was instructed to <br />discuss it with the Attorney. <br />The minutes of the August 20, 1969 meeting were approved as written. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to adjourn at 10:05 p.m., seconded by Mr. Husnik. Carried.
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