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02/19/1969 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/19/1969 P&Z Minutes
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5/6/2022 8:49:22 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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2- <br />A public hearing was held for the purpose of considering the application of U.S. :takes <br />Development Company to plat ea Lakes Addition No 1, 30 acres near Seventh Avenue just off <br />Birch Street on Reshonau Lake. If the plet was accepted they would erect four model homes <br />and one model townhoese which would be a four-family complex. All of the toente,usee would <br />be sold, not rented. Mr. Gotwald stated that ell the Village ordineaces had been met on the <br />map presented, some of these being: lot size„ depth of lot from lake shore, grade level, <br />street width and all corners had been tiea to the section lines. It was stated that set <br />back lines were not shown because of state law prohibiting this W, Gotwald questioned the <br />utility easement and the general manager for Jandrie said that as fa: as he knew all <br />utility lines would be underground, depending on Northern States Power Company. Present <br />plans call for individual cesspools and private wells. They prefer a central system but this <br />problem has not been worked out yet. However, all homes will be built with pipes to the <br />street so that in the future utilities could be hooked up easily to a central ej)::nm. <br />If a permit is granted and everything runs smoothly they tope to have families living in <br />homes within nine months. <br />Mi. Gotwald stated that the only thing they have not worked out fet Id the bond for the <br />streets which would be up to him to determine the amount end present the figure to tee <br />Council. No building permits could be issued until the bond is secured. Also no storm <br />sewers had been designed or shown on the map. Seventh Avenue was discussed as to tee <br />relocation of the private end and maintenance of same. Severe were questioned rurteer <br />and the general manager stated that it war not their intent to "louse up sales" with <br />septic tank problems. Mr. Gotwald stated that he would hove to check fill samp:oe ind the <br />drain field system and all future utilities. <br />0 Upon Mr. Gotwald'a recommendation that the plat presented fulfills all the Vill'os <br />ordinances with the exception of posting of the bond for streets, Mi. Relihg rscrred to.? <br />recommend to the Council that they accept the plat ae presented by U. S. Lakes em:elope <br />went Company and allow them to proceed as outlined for Lakes Addition No. 1. 3'-icolv.0 <br />by Ur. McLean. Cerried. <br />Mr. Harold Lerkin of Nsegele Outdoor Adveetising Company appeared regarding regulatTooe on <br />billboards. Naegele wishes to have Lino Lakes pass a restricting ordinance so thf:y oon <br />go ahead and contract for lend to erect advertising signs in the future. Mi. Lsrkin will <br />give the Board various ordinances from ne4hboring communities to be studied for poueiLle <br />adoption of an ordinance in Lino Lakes regulating billboards. <br />Mr. Gotwald recommended to the Board that they request the Council to salt W. Jandric <br />for a plan of the over-all area within one month so the Board will have time to study the <br />over-all plan before they are asked to rush into accepting another email plat. This plan <br />should also include the over-all thoroughfare as there will be more than three miles of <br />road when the plat is completed. <br />Plumbing inspection was discussed in detail. Jim Husnik will call a plumbing inspector <br />from White Bear Lake to meet with the Planning Board and the Council and ask him to give <br />his ideas on plumbing ordinance's and inapeotion. It was felt that we need a plumbing <br />ordinance soon.
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