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05/21/1969 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/21/1969 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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May 218, 1969 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order by <br />Chairman McLean at 8:10 p.m. Those present were Husnik, Kelling, ]*Lean, Brovold and <br />Cardinal with Mr. Rehbein arriving late. <br />Mr. 'telling moved to accept the April 16 minutes as read. Seconded by Mr. Huenik. Carried. <br />Mr, McLean announced that Brovold and Stanley had not been able to study the billboard <br />ordinances as previously requested, but hoped they would be ready for the next meeting. <br />Mr. Brovold stated that he was moving out of state and had sent a letter of resignation.. <br />to Mayor L'Allier. <br />Mr. Paul Miller of Acton Construction Company requested time to discuss with the Board his <br />Company's intention of putting in a mobile trailer park on sixty acres at'the Southwest <br />corner of Main Street end 35E, south of the Leo Harris property. Mr. Miller dated that <br />he wee well aware that no park could go in until the newer problem is settled satisfactor- <br />ily, He seemed to think it would be about two years until any solution to sewers would <br />be definite end this coincided with their plans of building the trailer park. He said <br />that it would be a deluxe, up-to -date court, meeting all Village requirements. Mr. Mc- <br />Lean toad him the present ordinance was being updated and as soon as it was he would be <br />sent a copy. Mr. Cardinal explained that the zoning along that street was under discus- <br />sion and probably would have to be discussed further with a prof•*asional planner. <br />Mr* Miller will request a zoning change after the sewer problem is solved end just wanted <br />the Village to be swore of Aaton'e plans. <br />Mr. Brovold stated that the Schwenkel trailer house had been moved out of the Village. <br />The mobile home ordinance was discussed once again. Mr. Cardinal explained that the <br />Council thought the Blaine Ordinance was too similar to ours to require a complete re' <br />printing and thought only up- dating of our present ordinance was necessary.. Glenn Rea- <br />m bein stated that just in the last few weeks trailer parks are becoming more like hewing <br />projects and should have lot sizes accordingly. The question was rained "Whet do we vent <br />to attract -- 'mobile trailers' or 'permanent, deluxe, trailer homes' ?" Some thought it <br />may be necessary to some day have two complete ordinances, one to cover each type of parka <br />Mr. Rebbein moved to recommend to the Council en amendment to the previously recommended <br />Blaine Ordinance the following: lot Size --60' by 100' (6,000 sq., ft.), tree size --2 1/2 <br />inch diameter, set back --20 feet from curbline, with ten foot minimum from lot line the <br />rest of the way around the trailer. Seconded by Mr. Balling. Carried. <br />Mr. Rehbein stated that in his opinion no one could start a trailer park in Lino Lakes <br />without a central sewage sayaten. (Village system) <br />The Jandrio franchise was discussed. Mr. Holman mentioned that Jandrio wants to set up <br />the sewer system ss a separate utility if the franchise works out. <br />Dave Brovold stated that an Anoka County Deputy had told him that any road used by the <br />general public for access to property autamstiosily beoomes a Village road. He wondered <br />when Maple Street would be considered a Village street and when it would be fixed up to <br />Village standards and taken care of as such. Also, if it is not a Village road than <br />the street sign should be taken down. <br />Mr. Brovold asked when a Village is considered large enough to have 24 -hour police prow <br />tection. Mr. Cardinal answered that the County Sheriff gives us a limited amount of 24 <br />hour protection. Mr,' Brovold thought this was only 'oak call in emergency' protect. <br />Police protection was discussed in general with all agreeing the police protection was <br />adequate for the piss at the Village. <br />ilr. Cerdimah announced a special meeting with the Council:- _ , for guns 12th. <br />Mk.. *slim imouosed the memt legator meetiO$ for June 16th. li6r. Kollian moved to ad- <br />journ at 9:45, seoondad by ale. La. Carded.
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