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05/17/1967 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/17/1967 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The May 17t1, 1967 meetine of t. Lino Lakes Planning commission was celled to order <br />by Chainman lenn Rehbein. Members present were: Glenn Rehbein, Arnold Kelling, <br />E.C.Jester, Andrew Cardinal, Kennet:e :Bryant, Roy Stanley and Duane Klepel. <br />Minutes of the previous meetinzs were read and approved. A letter addressed to the <br />Planninn Commission from the Carley Assoc. signed b Geo. Gotwald was read. <br />It stated teat they have examined the proposed plat of Robin Acres, visited the site <br />and found that it conforms to the reeuirements of the village. Mr. Gotwald <br />recoMmended that we grant permission to prepare the final plat, making sure <br />that a topographic map is presented before final approval. No action was <br />taken. <br />At the request/ of Mr. Prencis Burque a letter was read from J.e.Hoffman <br />engineer and surveyor, It stated that it would takemore time to prepare his <br />plat. As tee Pion in Commission and Council had previously considered this <br />plat Mr. Burque requested he be given permission to build on at least one lot. <br />A motion was made by Jester seconded by Bryant to give him special permission <br />to build on lotl 1 Aaait4e3 of proposed plat. Motion carried. <br />4fflock.. <br />Mr. Eugen and Ti1lin BlooMquist from h1 Co. Rd. J. also appeared before the <br />connission presenting a rap of proposed subdivision of their land along Co.Rd.J. <br />off 49 Hiway. They requested approval. The commission asked them /41 to <br />provide for a road alono the section line, prepare preliminary plat and resubmit <br />it. Andrew Cardinalrreported for the Council and Building Development Cameittee. <br />The Building Development Committee requested that we consider lessening road <br />requirements to encourage more development, especially the black top and 20 year <br />road requirements. This led to a general discussion on road reeuirements. <br />Kleool stated that our rod requirements aren't realistic and should be eased. <br />Glenn Rehbein stated that this was an easy way to get a lbt of cheap homes fast. <br />Roy Stanley stated that by having reasonable road rqquirements with money put in <br />escrow for finished roads ata later date that this would encourage orderly <br />develoyment and yet keep out cheap developments. Glenn Rehbein said he ould <br />be a7reeable to considering a program of escrow money for future roads. After <br />more disecssion a motion was made by Klenel and seconded by Roy Stanley that <br />the Flarinin Commission recommend/ that the Council appoint a committee made up <br />of representatives from P1nin1 Commission, Council, Business Development and <br />others. Thet this committee investigete the legal and other aspects o1 a cane in <br />the road regirements. Also draft a proposed chane in the village ordinance <br />with thow:ht of the escrow plan. That this preliminary change be submitted <br />to the Planning Commission for consideration. Motion Carried. <br />During the road discussion it was brought up that the Anderson Development was in <br />q uestion asdnone of the commission could remember a plat or read request by <br />Anderson and that the location seemed questionable. The commission felt this <br />sould be looked into and that F. Anderson appear before the Commission or Council <br />to answer questions about his development. <br />Glenn Rehbein mentioned the he -bought it would be desireable for the Planning <br />Commission to consider all applications for Puilding Permits bef re 1?ermit <br />is issued. This was discussed. A motion us made by Roy Stanley nd seconded by <br />Arnold 'Conine that all property not previously platted be broueht before the <br />planning Commission for approval before a Buildinn Permit could be issued. Motion <br />assed,
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