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07/19/1967 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/19/1967 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning Board <br />A <br />The July 19-th 197 meeting of the Lino Lakes Plannin: Coinmissi n wag called to <br />order by Chairman Glenn Rehbein. The minutes were rdad and approved. Mebbers <br />present were: Glenn Rehbein, Jdstcr, Kelling, Cardinal, Bryant, <br />Stanley co:d :lapel. <br />Mr. ',In. Morrison was present for the hcarino regarding his proposed do kennel. <br />As no one present objected a metion was made by Jester seconded by :ockenlaiblo <br />that Mr. Morrison be :ranted a Kennel license. Llotien saried. <br />Mr. LIE,:viTI Prj.em appeared before tie Plnino 73.ord and asked questions about <br />necessed: accos to a pisoe of property located off St1.1i as thio property <br />would be. about 3006feet from the road right-o2-way. The owners of the iproperty <br />were also present. <br />The village engineer being-present adviseLthat they wo;,1161-hE6tr-tio• have. an <br />60 ft wide easement istead of only .50 ft--they were further advised to talk to the <br />Village Council and attorney. <br />Mr. A.B. Gustafson from St. Paul requested a moving permit. The house is presently <br />located in Minneapolis. Pictures were shown of the house. It is a 56 x 50 bldg. <br />to plans to mew: it on a 10 0x 600 ft. lot on 1ain St. This property presently <br />owned 1)7 Alex Licheidle. His plans are to convert it to a 4 unit apartmen <br />The total length would be 11 ft. The building inspector would inspect the house <br />before he would bc granted a I4oving permit. A motion was made by Heckeniaible <br />Seconded by K0111nO that providing that all the ordinances were conT)liod with <br />platting, etc.) he be granted a movin permit. Motion carri d. <br />Lir. 'Jayne Blomguist from Co. Rd. J. was present and stated that Carley Assoc. <br />said that he could sell Plats along Co. .Rd. J if he had a variance from Plannin7 <br />Conesion. After cuestioning and discussi40 the issue the Plannina boa ...d said <br />it would be necessary to get a preliE,inary plat before lots could be divided and sold.. <br />1:r. Elmer Robinson was present to ask 7.Dermission to build a Home in the s.w. corner <br />of 4o acres of his property. He was advised to go ahead as he does not have to <br />plat the pro7Derty. <br />orl$ ALeXerj4.14 <br />Mr. Bouj Alexjew from Aaldwin Lake Road requested building 7formit for property he <br />sold. Ho presented a diawing of a house plan with a plat plan in the corner. <br />The planning board said this was not in compliance with the requirements for a plat <br />plan as it did not have the s3jnafure of a surveyor and the Planning Board had no <br />assurance that .. the land had been survwyed. He contested that the drawing did meet <br />requirements. He was advised he must comply with our plattin7 requirements as the <br />property sold is less than 21- acres. <br />Mr. Don Carley and Geo. Gottwald of Carley Assoc. were present to give information <br />on the road ordinance. They gave the following information: This ordinance <br />was written about 10 years aro. It was taken from neighboring village road ordinances <br />such as Maplewood, Rosevill etc. At that time Tilson wanted to develop land in <br />our village. be had no road ordinance so the present ordinance was drawn up. Carley <br />pointed out that mucht,as changed since then and that our ordinance is no <br />longer ty,pical of surrounding villages. For exaple, road mixing is no longer done. <br />Bituminous curbs are not used. Bonds are not practical as no one except a few <br />large developers can afford to put up a bond. <br />Carley -oointod out that -other villages do in some cases alIow [;:ravel roads with the <br />owner of the property ogreeiny to maintain the road except for snow plowing and not <br />holding the villac:e responsible for any road problem until the road is brought up to
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