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11/08/1967 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/08/1967 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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A Special Meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was held <br />on ITov. 8 at 8 p.m. for the purpose of an open hearing; on the special use <br />permit of Hank Rosengren for a landfill. Members present were: Glenn Rehbein <br />Stanley, Jester, Heckeilaible, Bryant, Klepel. <br />Chairman Glenn Rehbein questioned the attorney as to the date mix -up. <br />Attorney Locher reported that this meeting could not take a valid vote on <br />the issue as the date posted on the legal notice was for the 9th of Nov <br />in spite of the fact that the Council had desi}•rated the 8th, but that <br />discussion could be held and in'ormal vote be taken ifso desired. He <br />pointed out that the hearing for rezoning to commercial peoperty would be <br />held on Nov. 13th by the Council and that ultimately it is up to the Council. <br />07iif`ki Henry Rosengren presented his information regarding the landfill. <br />He stressed the need for a landfill in Lino and showed pictures of a few <br />areas of junk scattered within our village, one picture of the vacated lot <br />next to his property. He explained the difLerence between a landfill and <br />a dump and said t ct there would be no rats, refuse or fire problem because <br />of the compartmentillized dirt cover. He also showed pictures of the <br />land:: ill operation north of Anoka. Rosengren also read a letter from County <br />Commissioner Burman regarding t !e establishment of a joint county dump. <br />A Mr. Rob MC Campbell from the audience questioned the Planning Boyd <br />as to what our plans were for that area. <br />Chairman answered that we do not have a comprehensive plan for the <br />village. Mr. McCampbell then pointed out t at he felt that this area was best <br />suited for hi -ch quality residential because of contour of land and nearnedd <br />to lakes. He noted that the flat land rather than thehilly tended to be <br />developed with housin`, develwpments, industrial, apartments and commercial. <br />Many other objections were raised by the audience which filled the hall. <br />Mr. Norm Miller revealed a petition with over 70 signatures of adjoinin land <br />owners. Also present were Mr. Seborn from the Pollution Control Agency who
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