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04/17/1968 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
04/17/1968 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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di <br />The April 17th 1968 meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Comm. was called to <br />order by Chairman Olen Rehbein. 1lembers present: Rehbein, Cardinal, Jester, Bryant, <br />Klepel. Councilman Bohjanen was also present in audience. Mrs. Rolland Johnson of <br />Centerville appeared with a problem of land purchased near Baldwin Lake Road. The <br />land had originally belonged to Mr. Boris Alexejew, but had been sold to Mr. Robert d. <br />and Susan 0. Hengelfelt in approximately 1963 from wham the Johnson's purchased it <br />around Deo. '67 or Jan. '68. The property is described as follows <br />That part of the north half of the SW Quarter of Section 31. Township 31N, <br />Range 22 West of the 4th principal meridian in Anoka County, Minn. Described <br />as follows: a parcel of property consisting of 2 acres more or less, beingthatpartofnorth360ftofthesouth700ftofsaidnorth1/2 of the SW <br />1/4 of Sec. 31, lying east of a NS line 1100 east of west section and 242 ft <br />wide. Subject to a'20 ft easement for an access road to adjacent property <br />said easement being a strip lying between the south boundary of the above <br />property end a line 20 ft north and parallel to the south boundary and other <br />easements of record. Also the right of access by easement 20 ft. wide and <br />400 ft. long from Baldwin Luke Road to west boundary of said parcel lyingsouthofaline260ft. north of and parallel to the south line of the north <br />1/2 of the said Si quarter section 31. <br />The problem being that they have only 20 ft. easement from Baldwin Lake Road back to <br />their property and this doesn't conform to Village code and they cannot obtain a buildingpermit. There are two hoaxes presently located adjacent to their lot. They are usingthis20ft: easement also. <br />iThe easement is 20 ft. of the north part of lend presently owned by Mr. Alexjew. No <br />official action was taken by the P&Z. It was recommended that the Johnson try to <br />purchase enough land from*. Alexjew to make a 66 ft. strip instead of the 20 ft. <br />easement. Mrs. Johnson was asked to re- appear April 29 to give the P&Z and Council <br />time to study the matter. <br />Mr. Francis Burque questioned it the P&Z would go along with granting a variance for <br />an additional 10 feet of lend to be added to lots already sold. This 10 feet is to <br />be taken off lots not yet sold. This additional 10 feet would be used by the present <br />owner to plant trees for a wind break. Motion by Jester, seconded by Bryant, that <br />we recommend the Council grant the variance. Carried. <br />There was some discussion an Mrs. LeTourneau's situation. It was stated by the <br />Chairman that the P&Z never gave her permission to move the barn in. <br />Motion by Rehbein, seconded by Jester, that the service road on the east side of <br />35W be named the Otter Lake Road all the way north to Main Street. Carried. <br />The Chairman stated that be would like to have an agenda for the meetings and that <br />the secretary would compile this. P&Z meets in special meeting on April 29. <br />Meeting adjourned. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Duane Klepel
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