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04/29/1968 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/29/1968 P&Z Minutes
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5/6/2022 9:46:00 AM
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5/6/2022 9:40:00 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Meeting Type
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The April 29, 1968 Special meeting of Planning and Zoning Board was called to <br />order by Chairman Glenn Rehbein. Members present: Rehbein, Jester, Kelling, <br />Klepel. From Council: Andy Cardinal, Bohjanen, Jaworski, Rosengren, <br />Mayor L'A1lier. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph H. Rogella applied for variance for permitting the use <br />of a bailer house on their property because of the fire which destroyed their <br />home. Attorney Locher informed the P&Z that all legal requirements had been met• <br />After discussion it was moved by Jester, seconded by Kelling, that a non- <br />transferable special use permit be granted to permit the placemat of a <br />trailer house on their property for their occupation for theduration oftheir <br />life. it is further understood that their son Ralph is to reside there also. <br />Carried.. <br />Mr & Mrs Rolland Johnson appeared regarding their property located near <br />Baldwin Lake Road. The chairman reviewed the history of the problem, <br />that the property isn't located on a road and that no building permit should <br />be issued. Attorney Locher stated same. The Johnson's also had an attorney <br />present who argued the permit should be granted on the basis of the other <br />existing adjoining homes located there, who obtained permits. Rehbein <br />pointed out that they were issued permits on the basis thl the water works <br />road would be turned over to the village, this would give these lots access; <br />however, the St. Paul water works would not sell the property to the village. <br />More discussion was held and a motion was made by Kelling, seconded by Rehbein, <br />that we recommend that a building permit not be granted. Klepel said he felt <br />we shouldn't just turn them down but that there must be a solution if <br />we try to find one. Rehbein, Kelling in favor; Jester, Klepel against. Tie <br />tote. Meeting adjourned. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Duane Klepel, Secy.
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