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MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING CC/MISSION June 19, 1968 <br />The June 15 meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and ZoningCommissionwascalledtoorderbyChairman, Glenn Rehbein. Members present were: Roy Stanley, Arnold Kelling, ChickJester, temporary Seo'y and Clayton Bryant. Councilman <br />Cardinal and Mayor L'Ailier were also present. <br />Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. <br />Old Business: none <br />New Business: <br />Mr. L. Lillehaugen appeared in regard to trailer park (or Court) Trailers to be 12' x 60'; will put in their own roads; possiblyTripleACourt; Lots Code size; approximately 25 acres ofum6ableland; business locations to be included. L. Lillehaugen2866LakeviewAvenue, St. Paul, Minn. 55113 <br />Andy Cardinal will mail copy of Ordinance. <br />Mrs. Mary Downing: 1 acre of land to her daughter; needs <br />variance permit,. <br />Discussion of Future Planning and Zoning by Mayor L'Allier. <br />New maps are forthcoming from County. Presented PalnningBoardmemberswithbrochuresonCommunityPlanningandalsoStatusof701PlanninginMinnesota. <br />Motion by Kelling - Request of Council if Commercial enterprizeisoperatingonAquaLane, Seconded by Ken Bryant; passed. <br />Mayor also mentioned General Guide, District 2 of Planning isaboutready. <br />Request of Variance Permit by E.P. bring legaldiscriptionforJulymeeting, <br />New member to Planning Board was present..@, ®Dan Waldock. <br />Discussion of Lino School. Alarm system etc. Appt. Committee <br />Newt meeting to start Over -all Directive Planning for VillageofLinoLakes. <br />Ann Bohjanen, Press..,..present for Blaine Life.