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08/21/1968 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
08/21/1968 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The August 21, 1968, Planning and Zoning Board meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. <br />by Chairman Rehbein. Members present were McLean, Kelling, Rehbein, Brovold and <br />Trustee Cardinal and Attorney Locher. <br />The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. <br />Chairman Rehbein opened the Special Hearing for the rezoning of the Aqua Floats, Corp. <br />property. Attorney Locher showed that the notice of the special hearing had been pub- - <br />lished in the Blaine Life on August 2 and 9 and stated that adjoining property owners <br />had been notified. Mr. Locher questioned Mr. Claggett about the business operation <br />and it was determined that it was commercial and not industrial. Mr. Locher also stated <br />that under the circumstances it could not operate under a Special Use Permit. Pollution <br />of Rice Lake and the +mater level were discussed and also the parking of cars on Aqua <br />Lane during high water in the spring. Some of the adjoining property owners were <br />present and none objected to the rezoning; Mrs. Michaud stated that she would like to <br />see a special use permit granted in order to limit the type of business which may come <br />in if Aqua Floats, Corp. was ever sold. The width of Aqua Lane was discussed as it is <br />presently a 33 foot roadway and not a 66 foot road as stated in the Village ordinance. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to recommend to the Council that long as a Special Use Permit <br />could not be granted that they allow the present business, Aqua Floats, Corp., having <br />the following legal description: <br />That part of Government Lot #, Section 20, Town 31 North, Range 22 West, <br />Anoka County, Minn. lying South of Village Road now known as Aqua Lane <br />and lying Easterly and Southerly of Rice Creek and lying West of the <br />following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the South- <br />erly line of said Aqua Lane and the East line of Government Lot 4; thence <br />Westerly along the Southerly line of Aqua Lane 463 feet to the point of <br />beginning; thence Southerly at right angles 500 feet gS / /gfax( / / <br />6044g/ more or less, t the shore of Rice Lake and there terminating. <br />to operate commercially and that the Council should check into the present width of <br />the road. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Carried. <br />Mr. Leon Lillehaugen appeared again to discuss trailer courts. Mr. Rehbein told him <br />the Trailer Court Ordinance needed to be revamped and nothing will be done until it <br />is revamped. He will notify Mr. Lillehaugen when this is completed. <br />Mr. Cardinal introduced Mr. Eidem who was present to discuss a Professional Planner <br />for the Village. He stated that the goals of the Village should be established before <br />any planners are interviewed. Lino Lakes will have problems with two interstate <br />highways coming in and also there will be a time block before the airport site is <br />decided upon. Mr. Eidem stated that those communities who have a Federally financed <br />planner have a greater chance of obtaining Federal funds for sewer, water, recreation,etc. <br />Mr. Eidem stressed that writing down the goals of the community is the first step before <br />talking with a consultant so with this in mind, the Board set up Thursday, September 5, <br />1968, to meet with the Council and fill out pages 21-25 of the booklet "701 Planning <br />Assistance Program." When this is finished Mr. Eidem will come back once again to <br />discuss planning assistance and how to interview consultants. <br />Mr. Cardinal requested the secretary to obtain a copy of the Blaine Mobile Home Park <br />Ordinance. He also reported on the Council's actions regarding the three illegal <br />trailers in the Village. All of these were given 90 -day permits and were told to have <br />their trailers out of the Village within that period. An "eyesore" garage on Highway 8 <br />was discussed and other ordinance violators in general and members felt the ordinances <br />should be enforced more strictly than they are. Mr. Kelling moved to adjourn at 10 :10 <br />P.M. &monied by Mr. McLean. Carried. <br />Kay Olson, Deputy Clerk
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