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09/05/1968 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/05/1968 P&Z Minutes
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5/6/2022 9:46:01 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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An informal joint meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board and the Council was held on <br />September. 5, 1968, the purpose being to organize some thoughts on the goals of our Village <br />in preparation for the possibility of applying for a Professional Planner through the <br />Federal "701" Program. P&& members present were Rehbein, Kelling, Stanley, and Brovold; <br />Councilmen present were L'Allier, Jaworski, Cardinal ā€˛Bohjanen, and Rosengren; Press, Mrs. <br />Anne Bohjanen; Audience, Fred Rehbein; Village Engineer, George Gotwald; and the Deputy Merl' <br />The first question on the printed survey was to list the five most outstanding characteris- <br />tics of our acnmunity. These were suggested: 1. Two major interstate freeways -- <br />a) Proximity to the Twin Cities (b) Complete transportation 2. Large amount of lakes <br />a) complete recreation 3. Large areas for development (a) industrial and commercial <br />b) residential 4. Relationship to existing airports and proposed airport 5. Topography <br />and soil conditions. <br />The next question concerned the five most pressing problems of the community. Those <br />discussed were sewer and water, roads and zoning. At this point Mr. .twald said that the <br />biggest problem was sewer and how to finance it. Therefore making financing the biggest <br />problem. Mr. Gotwald stated his opinion of Professional Planners and said he "Has no love <br />for planners" and that a planner basis his opinion on the material available which is <br />available to anyone. He said park and utility grants are not contingent on having a <br />planner. In view of the fact that our Village is 90 per cent farmland it is not going to <br />change drastically overnight. <br />At this point, Mr. Rehbein asked Mr. Gotwald if the Council, the P&Z and Mr. Gotwald could <br />draw up some tentative plan on a map for future zoning. All members were then given a <br />map of the Village and with the help of Mr. Gotwald set forth areas designated for industrial <br />and ccmmercial use the rest being left open zoning. <br />Mr. Gotwald said we should obtain detailed topography maps and other maps of the Village <br />and that he would get some from the highway department and the County and that his company <br />could draw up some. <br />Mr. Rehbein brought up the possibility of filling swamps with sanitary landfill. <br />Thirty acres of the Bill Waldoeh property was discussed as a future purchase by the Village. <br />Mr. Cardinal was to check on the cost per acre and the possibility of taking an option on <br />the property. This site would be on a 9004 road and possib';; the most centrally loeated <br />Village property available. The Lino Lakes park could possiblyb`sold for revenue and would <br />make a good commecial site for a buyer. <br />Kay Olson, Deputy Clerk
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