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02/18/1970 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/18/1970 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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0 <br />The regular meeting of the Village of Lino Lakes Planning & Zoning Board held <br />on February 18, 1970 was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Chairman John McLean with <br />all members present but Mr. Hill, who came in shortly. Mr. Cardinal was also <br />present. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to accept the minutes of January 21, 1970 as presented. Seconded <br />by Mr. Karth. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cecil LaMotte came forward with a proposal for an extension of his property <br />on Centerville Lake to set up new plats this summer. Mr. McLean asked if he would <br />be coming to us with a platting of additional lots in the future. W. LaMotte <br />answered "yes ". Mr. Kelling then mentioned as long as Mr. LaMotte follows the <br />ordinance, he sees no problems with him proceeding further. <br />Mr. McLean mentioned that the Planning & Zoning Procedures which Mr. Van Housen <br />had presented previously were discussed at an informal meeting held on Monday night <br />with a few of the members of P&Z. Sections 1 and 2 of these Procedures are being <br />considered but not the other sections at the present time. <br />A motion was made by Mr. McLean that we move to recommend to the Council that we <br />adopt the requirements for consideration that are included as additions to <br />Ordinance 21 intended to handle other than single and duplex residences and not <br />to supersede stronger similar sections of existing Ordinance 21. Seconded by <br />Mr. Kelling. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The requests for proposed trailer parks on three parcels of land fawned by Mr. <br />Menkveld were discussed at 8:20 p.m. It was mentioned that this was Planning & <br />Zoning's first legal descriptions on these properties. <br />Mr. Joe Summers, Attorney, 630 Osborne Building, St. Paul, who was representing <br />Mr. Menkveld, came forward with him and made hie introduction. Mr. Summers <br />stated there are 5 units per acre and 8300 square feet per unit. He believes we <br />are going to see an increasing desire for mobile home type developments and they <br />were planning for the Village of Lino Lakes a mobile home development that will <br />prove an asset to the community. The land was purchased with the intention of <br />putting mobile home parks on it. Mr. Summers stated that, "we are not here with a <br />rigid attitude and hope that the Planning & Zoning isn't either." <br />The question was asked as to what kind of sewage disposal they had and Mr. Summers <br />said that basically the sewage would be what is proposed by the Minnesota State <br />Health Department. <br />Mr. McLean asked if there were any comments the audience wished to make. Mr. Strauss <br />didn't feel we could afford to put sewer in for trailers and asked if our schools <br />wouldnIt be overloaded. Mention was made that two of the home sites would be in <br />the Forest Lake School District and one in Centennial. <br />Mrs. Rector mentioned that we already had been presented a petition and there <br />lasn't a soul who wanted a trailer court. <br />Zev. Wirth asked why the trailer park was turned down 3 months ago and was told <br />5ecause of lack of sewer and the objections of the people in the community. Some <br />people were afraid the property value would decrease in the area. <br />Vir. Pete Scherer also spoke against the trailer courts and accused Mrs. Ahlman for <br />not abiding by the real estate code of ethics book from which he read. At this <br />point, she became quite disturbed.
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