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09/08/1970 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/08/1970 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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1 spsalal. meeting of the Village of Lino lakes Plamiug & Zoatag Bond <br />held oml 8eptetbar 8, 1970 tad called to order at 8S01, p.sa6 by e:airm an <br />Jdsn ile s= with all arwsbrrs present arespt fir. ihow416 <br />The grin purpose of this meeting was to grant a varies= to Don Wahlberg <br />for a bar. parcel Located =lame Street to be used for building a <br />house. *. Vablbarg stepped forward and the Location was Mho= in the <br />platted:. The legal deaaription 1s as follow: <br />The South 272.25 feet of the West 160 feet cf Lot 16, <br />AMitoer•s Sdbdiviaion 110. 134, wing to the nap or <br />plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the <br />Register of Deeds, Anoka County, MImmesote. Subject to <br />Lilac Street over the South thereof." <br />There seemed to be no problems involved as the property would be on a <br />Village street end is not on a section line. <br />Mr. Korth made a motion that Planning & Zoning recommend to the Council <br />they grant a variance to Don Wehlberg on the above described parcel of <br />land. Seconded by Nr. Jester. Carried umanimously. <br />Mr. Wahlberg was asked to =me before the next Council meeting, September 14, <br />with his request. <br />It was decided that the five sign applications of Lee Smith be brought <br />before P&Z at the next regular meeting. <br />Mr. NeLean read a letter from*. Harry Harris of Western Outdoor Advertising <br />Company which included two corrected Location Sketches for their Skelly sign <br />permits, Numbers 27 and 28 on I.35W, the lessors being Rev. John Wirth and <br />Julia Faymovi1le respectively. <br />Earth is of the opinion there are signs in the Village which do not meet <br />the specifications because of poor eoestrnotion, therefore should be <br />removed or replaced. There was discussion= this matter. hhe. Maesn mode <br />a suggestion to the Council that all existing signs should be brought up to <br />Village specifiaatione at the time of application renewal. <br />l4. Jester moved to recommend to the Council that Sign Application Nos. 27 <br />end 28, dated May 19, 1970, be accepted for a one year period with time <br />understanding that hereafter the above said signs be brought up to the <br />existing Village sign oode. lotion aeaonded by *. Hill. <br />Notion was made to adjourn the meeting et 8 :45 p.m. by Mr. Jester. Seconded <br />by-Mr. McLean. <br />The neat regular Planning & Zoning meeting will be held September 16, 8:00 p.m.
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