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E.r,, IleLean MOVed to recom,uend. to the Council that they approve Ordinance 6-S as described <br />Iin the heoring notise with the following items to be provided ty Ken Renbein: <br />Assnran' ,a by dc.cteloper that he has County permits on ingress and egress to Hwy, 8, <br />Devoloper 7ust provide lands.cnping plans plus pest a ene per cent of construrtion <br />bond to insure fotnre landscaping. <br />Developer will sup:ply Village i%ngineer with fiaal plan of storm water flow, <br />Developer has assured Village that two.4-inch wells will be provided for each bldg, <br />Developer will make ndeqsate adjument for proper drainage from middle building <br />to surrounding terrain snd no change the direction of drainage or allow drainage <br />to run on neighboring property, and drainage from parking lot will flow to street„ <br />Developer will meve bak drain field of middle building from East line to be <br />30 feat from the line, <br />Lion seconded by Mr. Hill, Carried unanimonsly <br />The public hearing for E. L, ilehbein and *n 61. ed at 9:35 lom, <br />A publie harry for the c;ortinnation of a rezoning petition subm:ited by Lee Smith <br />was opened at 937 p,m, A difZereat presentatien weis submitted for rezoning Which was <br />pproximately 5 are at the corner of LiTiac and Hwy, 8, or he NW corner of freeway 35W, <br />This hearing is for only one area of land and once this hearing is terminated, a new hear- <br />ing must be reopened for further resonings, <br />11r Lo,i:her otato '!at all legal requirement t,,ct. d been met and new 17,0tic s had been sent out, <br />HT, Smith had ,omit ed the nocesary details as required in Ordinanoe <br />Mr, Ray Jones of Gulf Oil Company sta%ed they proped to erect a ga:3; stations, restaurant, <br />and motel complex, azning is now adequate for the gas st4ion and re:staurant and Mr. Jones <br />would like a leiter to this offect, They are asking for rezoning from residential. to <br />ommeroial for the motel., They are also considering a larger par1;e1 for rezoning. <br />Mr, ho'ean stated they must nomply with Ch-dinanee 2l and have the material in 10 days <br />in advance of the meeting when they wish to be heard, Mr,. Smith wondered if it would be <br />1.,ssible to get rezoning with provisions, The Board thought they would like to see this <br />land rezoned to eommerAal but mast abide by the ordinane and proeed in an orderly sequenne, <br />M3:, . Hill moved that the pablie hearing for Mr. Lee Smith be continued until Dee 16 at 9 pm <br />at whieb time it may be rescheduled if nenessery, Seconded by i*IT, Keith, Carried. Hearing <br />caused, <br />Mc. Cardinal stated he had no farther information en possible request of a trailer <br />permi from Mrs, Mabel Anderson, The tlailer bscse by the •;am on Main Street. is in the <br />Village of Centemille according to the nap, M.r, Cardinal wondered if some areas of the <br />wouJd be more suitable for trailer ,012TS than other a.:rea's, ttir, Mc-Lean thought this <br />mattef would be covered as ,i,uggested land use:,7, uyylsrthe 11,,S14 rezoning ode, <br />1,1r, Al Dupre was present to amuNer questior oneeaing issuing of building persoltso. He <br />Statel that mee pemits are -1ued when a -request is preoented with a survey and building <br />plans.. 12 the of does not have 150.1 frontage or is 11.Ct 2k 2.(;Pe0 in size he instnlAe <br />the applicant to get a variance from the Council, Once p7roof of the varlante is ,liomn he • <br />issues the perk-lilt, Dupre gots a set 0,f plans J:'or new housem but no for remodeling jobS, <br />lik The; 1-lumhing J.T.,!.spet;t0 decz not -:Tork with the 'euildin: inspeAor, only ted be same number <br />on the permit,