<br />The regular mestinF ef the Lino Lal,,;:.es Planning andZoning fieard held on. December li'S, 1970,
<br />was calloc'. to erder -b- ChairNen Mcl-sen ,::.-t 8 p,ii, Me...e:bers present were Hill Mr., Jester
<br />Er„,•Karth, r.i.,..1r, McteE,In and Coupcf51nac, Cardineit '„ Locher and Y„ •VanHousen were also present,
<br />41111k.0:..K.,„:,, --„,„„: tb a,:.:ool:A. t.:-:,•:: rg:i]iff.:,..bs c-,--i'• 1:.1-2, ;..,,i0-,.:..H..H:(., ..,........,•
<br />by
<br />3 :;•i:,:::tin7 :,-;.. ir.Y.hesented„ Seconded •
<br />Yrs-,, l''',.s:i-init.z.i ....io ..,._-f..T.a.,-.2.s in a tr,;.:±,i1.-.-..--.2 ..-.c:..r.r.-!•;,o at -;.--)s• cc,rrr :::J: ...)....1.,3 (oad. and Llernty Road J
<br />wa3.ppcscnt r'.7.-...-',.cs.-:: r-::.-.. p.-:--;:,:-,1:..c:..t fo2 -',-,:,:.s -,...-.-J...-.L..,,.-.er-.., Th:, -.-...:,.,t:----.-2: ',.',I.J,:::::' ..:Jr-e; livillf in the nbile
<br />Lorrb b..-.•,..!,,,..-.,..1..7..s.,c th;-',=,ir heuss 1:,,--.1 ',•'.,EE,:n p.-..._:!rf.-...,--,.. .i:...-i.-,..e-,...:.,:.:-,. ..L...t., .-:,.n, .. i-il. --,-:::-. prc..-.....::...,,s of be:ing . • "
<br />e7o,.1qc:,....., '-f!..?:...,.-: b,:: c,..::::-]:. • :::::.'_-) .,..Jy,...,.. ,....1,y
<br />neee.':, ..-. ..),......iz-..,..t• WrzeT.1 thp tr...' -.•:.... ..,..s.er:J...,-.,'. -.'o
<br />Yz.s, ..:r::•-:n-:.t...:-] fo-f. :1.:r i:::E:' -z..e.T):5,1c :.f-,e•io .',:, '::,hc• ::.:::a.-
<br />1 the a1.v. • of C:,:i.
<br />erL:,,-..T p... t6,
<br />lid,
<br />11r, K,,s-..in.j..t',i,., ,aa:.. tcJ.r..1 -:-....hat if. tl-_..,.,71 Cc.).,.J..-:....-..il ::,..::::..',:pr.b7cd th..,::::: ...b.... ,...:1i.-.., •,-.:.tS..?.o o.:-.,u-_,,!-J. gct .e. perm.lt from
<br />tbs ..13uilCing Ins7,--2;otor and thers wewl be t.,..,
<br />Nro , s-tate that ti.io ....!,.7-J:d Ind. mct a-!:::: an ihfo:-2::: ..0.C.,, tO ',,.t12..cly propose'J zoning
<br />6.i2tiots for' L.ino Ifakes Thc T..:iLt.-!,-...::::.,:. Zo:ding 1...',-;,.r...,o,3i...t'.:1,f...'j;:::::...".::;:_nr-f, ai.".ci.:',.:-Lus,.-.:10:r::: :r:.de s the
<br />PolIovin the Villa?;c:
<br />1.c. A Ue.k.i..niti,Je schedule of
<br />cemprehonsive Village Plalliwz,
<br />P, A schedule of zoning c:-.1:a;:--f':::,,Tr:',',.-.i(..,ns, ',.-Yr:-...nt Tjy!":.'......• '..qie 1::: to:;::: thc.! lnnd within each
<br />classiZie'atie as cp.,.'ree,.. ••• thc -,..fcry 'f:.:.r...:,.;.,.2 -,.7.:.-.14,.s ',?T'IT.HA,-. i_Inde-r our present
<br />syster14.
<br />0 3, It will .ra.lake it., lInnerosseary :.;..or. the Pc3:Z or the ',:..-;,.-.,..-eil te 1.gj...k.. usage in. a hearing
<br />mon; since the classificeion appied
<br />4, Ilaying the trailer .11.no ane. all .....,.,'....,,ner ....toa -:,.,::::-.:AF.,.g c,::'.=6.inalloc under one •
<br />ordinure will matze it oLlpi. for ell oc...,..-.e.nc,:-.E1 to .:.e;a1 .-1. .,nint.7...: problems IAth one
<br />soure doul.r.lout to refer to., .i3Je-7,o It -,,,z,al developer or
<br />citiFren tc rela..;', to and be snppl.J,e1. wah r..ne J.,,-7..e,•.:::::::i.cn.t, o-2 :T..!feran,!:!e as opposed to
<br />a. scriee o..?'....se,',....,tered dc,...,uewts throuh our orihaa..e;::..s
<br />T-1,1s 6),,a,..„s“'-'!(..-1,-,n decs not c?.°,.a../.1.:..- sisting ,.'..,:ssiSeet.j..-hs on vii7i_af±. J..ands and will onlY ,•
<br />be appicable to applicatIehe :i..'rull. 01-d.-.i.na-n. 5.1(..)pt..ion d2-::,:::-7.: :-.'o.-.L-tAf-arfc_,
<br />Thc Pla.:47-,a's 1:.. shggst .--,.... vs22..ge in („:onfx:Tenen.37i.-gc p"1,, L. this is net an an absolute .
<br />and or,,qinance does not so state„ This erdinenoe will besoms rore -l‘mob•rtant to our proper
<br />de'Telopment as. we ,c.f.w than. at tbe dre'set timdc.•
<br />Mr, Vanflowsen ar:..:n Zerwa2d ts C,..fe.,..ouss ',.-:-.i-,e neh. .:'.on-.-.1„-i72,-:-:-.--S..on, TAe o',..,ad that in.
<br />to l.b.,,.: ,-7,F.,7::1.',--'-:,:;:,t-i.oyl ',:.,..',, :,-...:'.r... ,::::::d.:..:::..,.v-.r '7,,:.-cl,j f:...7.:J1 -::'-.-:i;-::-:,: 1-.recont erdinanes •
<br />ino.o.,:ts 7:2iF ord.il.r,,..O.ne„• T..,:s '..:::-:",-).t. 1.*:20',.3f ..'.":: ,..:Y.':.! rr,::::.".YTi. :',-:::...!..7:-,7.,-,","C!7=.: ;.".!..n pcyintzi.d ort the new
<br />7,s,s,.. ..'-;..,,:er'sr„-.,,s --e t"...,T., ...',.-J-:...ec.'..;l -;.,.:,,....",. ,Jr 'fanF,ouosn will repeat his
<br />Ise loo gone aver
<br />In, •Attrne..Loeber for legal corrsotiore anS fl,-3.r-',.-:).1.er -.ce.:,:in:-_'.,ng of 1::.h •1..n:-,:, :n present ordinanes,
<br />that eou.,..ct-te in the fu'go.-L'e hc:-,; 7..2.. li7,,, to st.-:.,,,,-::, the public hearings
<br />Serc• the P'iannng Deard ecisse,,-ci.„:":„uned so thct 6.esisin,s •:-!.:',..,r. be ..:m.d.1...r..1 a more professional
<br />invo2i...ve1 in a 7-.-esel-,,.iu :.co natuI,117 ,a7-).:.-t':.5t• -fozy.-.r)n ,:-;71".,:1 . it invol7a6.,
<br />thsis-h., :It is his fU,hil. that one -0UUlir Iher.:rihg befee
<br />copre'ca.ziNe .;,en. :i.'er Lino Lakes has "aeen . bhdcted for .:-J-. '1.--vo things thi..i, will affect
<br />the plan ars the prersed airpo:...'t antl t 3Y for Open Space, Tbo Metro Council
<br />will be sohcdu•iag a .neeting to discuss Open L,paoc, v.i.t'Al. the Coisncil. atld SiY:/..Z, early in 1971,,
<br />Nili 'hall. sefe-ral qwestons Oi . tho propOse(i oedihn....,e whioh were answered by Mr, Van Housen,