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Charter Commission <br /> January 9, 1997 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Page 1: The minutes should reflect that the following materials were <br /> distributed to members and are on file with the Charter <br /> Commission: 1) a summary report of a study conducted by an <br /> outside attomey regarding sexual harassment; 2) a copy of the <br /> invoice for that study; 3) a copy of the City Attorney's contract with <br /> the City. <br /> Page 2- The date in the first paragraph should be 1997, <br /> MOTION by Sullivan, seconded by Scharpen to accept the minutes as written for <br /> content with the above corrections, noting that identification of the speakers may <br /> not be entirely correct. The motion carried unanimously. <br /> It was the consensus of the Commission for the minutes to be continued in the <br /> present format. <br /> Dahl asked if members could receive the minutes prior to the Friday before a <br /> meeting. <br /> Chair Montain explained that the minutes are included as part of the meeting <br /> packet which is assembled by Marilyn (a City employee) the week before a <br /> meeting. The packets are distributed by the police to save postage. if members <br /> would like a copy of the minutes earlier, he suggested they contact Al DeMott. <br /> Ill. APPEARANCES <br /> A. Economic Development - Brian Wessel <br /> Chair Montain stated that Mr. Wessel is involved at the public hearing being held <br /> at this time in the Council Chambers on the town center and is unable to be <br /> present. <br /> B. City Survey - Bill Morris <br /> Chair Montain explained that Mr. Morris had an unavoidable schedule conflict <br /> and could not be present. <br /> Scharpen asked if an explanation of the survey is necessary, as all members <br /> received a copy of it_ <br /> Chair Montain stated that Mr. Morris is able to break down the information and <br /> identify Charter issues which could be discussed. <br />