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08-10-1995 Charter Minutes
1995 Minutes
08-10-1995 Charter Minutes
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Notes from the Charter Commission Open Meeting, <br /> August 10, 1995 <br /> Charter members present: Paul Montain, Bill Bohanen, Bill Houle, Bart Rehbein, <br /> Joyce Scharpen, Ron Solfest and Bob Doocy. <br /> Others present included: Kent Sulem, League of Minnesota Cities, John Powell, <br /> City Engineer <br /> Mr. Solfest explained why we were here and went over the options. <br /> *Red Maple Lane - If houses have equal frontage, but the values are considerably <br /> different, and both will receive equal benefit, why will one pay more than the <br /> other? If all improvements are put in, roads, curbs, sewer, water, lighting, is the <br /> assessment still limited to 10$ of value? Yes. <br /> * Fred Anderson, Deerwood Lane - If improvements to property are made and the <br /> house is sold later for much more money, how is the deferred assessment figured: <br /> at the value of the house is lower, or now when appreciation has caused the house <br /> to be worth more? Answer: The assessment is based on the appraised value, when <br /> the improvement is made. The balance will come out of city funds. <br /> *Mr. Clausen, Baldwin Lake Rd. - Has his own sewer and water, how can this be of <br /> benefit? Realtors have told him that his property is worth more without the <br /> improvements, because he has a more private lot. Powell: He will still have to <br /> hock up. Benefit means: Will your market value go up, not what the property <br /> owner thinks will happen. if the city can't prove that your property benefited from <br /> the improvement, then no assessment can be made.. <br /> *Mark Winiecke - Deferred still means he must pay the assessment--AMOUNT <br /> LEVIED would be a better term than assessment. The burden of proof of value, <br /> market value, will be determined by an assessor. <br /> * City assessor will show any increase in value. Property owner can challenge the <br /> value in District Court, at his expense. The result is determined on a case by case <br /> basis. <br /> * "Initiate" an improvement means when the city actually receives a petition for <br /> improvement. <br /> * County assessor handles the assessments for the city. <br /> * If sewer and water are put in front and the system fails, must the homeowner <br /> hook up and pay assessments? Yes. This is a city council policy. Appeal processes <br /> are available. <br /> * Met Council wants an area-wide sewer system rather than the individual sewer <br /> and water on each lot. City resolution also requires owners to hook up to sanitary <br /> sewer and water, and not redo an individual system. <br /> * I have 1600' of roadway, 7 3/4 Acres, a possibility of three lots. What will happen? <br /> Examples later. <br /> * Why spend $20,000 to hook up to sewer, when a new system costs a lot less? <br /> *City wants control over the property. City inspector must inspect any system - city <br /> says they can't fix their individual system. (Powell: City wants you to hook up to a <br />
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