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notes of the Planning and ,onus Corrisson Meeting of `.July _19, 1966.. <br />embers presen i3 gst: Arnai,del:l enr y Rosengren. <br />Kenneth Bryant, ;, r .Rehbei _: 1 liaison member, R zss <br />Minutes of the June meeting were read an of a motion by Bryant, second <br />by Kell ng, minutes: were= .accepted as .read. . All .a;n ;favors = ; <br />Motion by = Felling to postpone tie: ugu8t' r eating : aid ooml ne it <br />the:` 'September meeting, second by Rosengren. All iu favor.` <br />Operation of Sanitary'. Land Fill.- for,-dumping . urposes` was discuss <br />Rosengaren anonouneed a' possibilt .ty :off' his opening. -such facil ties and <br />will. have more' informati on later.; <br /> Kelling to' recomend the Council consider the -- possible nec- <br />essity of planning. fora sewer ordinance, second_ by Bryant. All in <br />favor, ../' Y'° : f' -. -. .a.t ,,l,,a-) r' <br />Q e.« a -- , <br />Q,411...."''' €x,,` -t <br />otion: by ,Kelling,. Council recommend' to the County -' Commissioners to' <br />form a "County Co-- ordinating`Cornii ttee" for planning, 'second by; Bryant. <br />All in favor. <br />A discussion was 'held .concerning the .possibility of an ordinance con- <br />trolling to withhold :,.permission to erect a trailer court until public <br />sewer service is available. <br />A , motion by Rebbein, a -recommendation was made to .check :former . minutes <br />of the. Planning. Board,. coiierning setback on 40 acre lines to allow <br />for 66 foot : future streets} 'second by Ke1ling. All in ;favor„ <br />Motion- Kellin , second by Rosengren to adjourn.