ronla„- meeti.;ip: of the I'M° and Zonin:, Ba.:i.rd held on Fe:,bruary
<br />17, 197 . was ca11s.:.3. to order ,c;/ 7ios Cha.irman Javles Hill at C5 ?JP,. Cia'T=bers
<br />Tlshbein_, j'sstr, Nr„ Husnil: and
<br />th.c of the Jarine,c- as
<br />ey
<br />thc
<br />his
<br />cc' ;fa
<br />ts thc
<br />eZ C. cn J,..pp.a.'ecvs. of thc,
<br />fL teke
<br />2Tat to be on the aEx,:---nda.
<br />at th,7c. next
<br />T.....rosented 1,;( Cos,,ipany
<br />for aores at the Mr. VanHousen.
<br />se-veral
<br />in letter tc.. of the ELann.lng Four things
<br />tee reaul' i.scnio a bu-11d1ns 50'1 setback
<br />ba done this.
<br />Le ....2hwn. sser an.d. .t.,T,!:tor approved
<br />ohc.nliJ be a.ppro,red by the bnildiug
<br />stnted other reqs.i.rap....,ent....1 halre beer. :met
<br />f.L.s occorK„ed he thnght., the would ba an
<br />11 be ol concre.,a, constrnetion;
<br />entside
<br />try t'nu front of the building attractive
<br />th,2t FinEs ;,-..7.,00d for v..lreenig
<br />also pra-v1,de are" breci:7...,„„ The. yar(1, crushed
<br />surface; plrX.j.lag probbly be•bleco,
<br />te recn, tp the Cc1:.ncil tha.'t thay the plans of
<br />MOlin tone: ; :1-act s Co7,1/ oro-Odea t-ic aiiJ. the above reauirements
<br />cf the F:lanner es in t!,-,o lettor to ths flanninE Doard and contingent
<br />an the appoval, ;$e',:craded h.w- Mr, Nuani Ccrried.
<br />Cori ag the Mr kea statc6. that final
<br />d.ra,-%s aro still dra'.-:n up the Attorncy and the neer, The
<br />Plannlng Laard.11 reviem this 1 before it is sent tette Council for
<br />,
<br />The Netre Park Plan is also stndiod by the Planncr, Ficard and
<br />Gau Park DoarJ, I.TnHousen th, that so..a of the .eoposod acres might.
<br />have a better nse fe.. a st the so..0 coreage for snommabi/ing
<br />i-fhil.:;ht bp 7.-lasdred.,, Aetv.,..1 tax looc to tha is studicd the
<br />EC 1; 2/3 of tho acreage is -Idvsscntly matr or marsh4.rLd_ Rehblin
<br />thought the 1:2kes should be useible. d-Isc',I.sion of the
<br />proposed p',..;Lan followed,