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07/21/1971 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/21/1971 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board held on July <br />21, 1971, at 8 :15 P.M. was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. John McLean. <br />Others in attendance were: Mr. Arnold Kelling, Mr. James J, Hill, Mr, Edward <br />Karth, and Mr. James Husnik. As well as Council Liaison Cardinal, and W. <br />Tom Van Housen, Planning Consultant. <br />Mr, James J. Hill, made a motion to accept the previous meeting minutes of <br />June 16, 1971 as presented. Seconded by Mr. Arnold Kelling. Motion carried, <br />1st item: Kenneth Rehbein requested a variance to the Ordinance 21-4 for a <br />13' strip of land sold to Mr. Richard Benson, described as follows: <br />East 13 feet of the West 165 feet of the South 252 feet of Lot 19, <br />Aud, Sub. No. 138 Anoka Co. Minn, Subject to C.S,A.H. No. 14. <br />Discussion followed, at which time a motion was made by Mr. Karth, who moved <br />to recommend to the Council to grant the variance to W. Kenneth Rehbein for th <br />13' strip of land which applies to Mr. Richard Benson's deed. Motion was <br />seconded by Mr, James Husnik. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. John McLean, Chairman, brought to the attention of the members that a <br />study should be made of the Wetlands Ordinance possibly at his home. A <br />committee of 4 was recommended by Chairman, Mr, John McLean, for working with <br />Perk Board with Wetlands Ordinance, Appointed were W. McLean, Mr. Hill, <br />Mr, Kelling, and Mr, Korth, Art Hawkins will be with the group along with <br />other designated members of the Park Board, <br />Mr. Pete Nadeau, requested a variance to Ordinance 21 -A to build a house on a <br />piece of property 'meted on Birch Street, with less than a acre. Much <br />cussion followed. A motion was made by Mr. James Husnik recommending to <br />Council members to grant a variance to Ordinance 21 -A granting Mr. Nadeau to <br />build on his land. Description is as follows: <br />The westerly 120 feet of the easterly 328.71 feet of the southerly 208.71 <br />feet of the Northeast quarter of Section 26, T31. R22, Anoka County, <br />Minnesota. Subject to Birch Street. Motion was seconded by-Mr. Karth. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />The Zoning District Code Hearing was called to order at 8:30 by Chairman, Mr.. <br />John McLean, <br />Changes recommended in the zoning code were: <br />Page 9 -- Section 4.08 FARMING OPERATIONS -- 1st paragraph, last sentence, <br />reads es follows: <br />The Village Council may require any new farm operation to secure <br />a Special Bee Permit in the event of the following :" <br />Page 37 -- Top of page, (C) & (D) are identical. Take out (D). (Clerk's <br />note on checking original draft (D) found to reed "Financial <br />Institution ". <br />Page 34 -- Second paragraph -- typographical error " flase" should read <br />false ". <br />Page 36 -- Two (J's) take one out.
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