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06/14/1990 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/14/1990 P&Z Minutes
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6/16/2022 10:16:23 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />DESIGN REVIEW BOARD <br />June 14, 1990 <br />including the creation of two lots. The applicant now is <br />submitting a proposal for the creation of four lots, 2 1/2 <br />acres in size. <br />Darla Lowell approached the board. She received a bid from <br />Schifsky Bros. for the installation of a paved road. <br />She stated that the man to the north of her recently passed <br />away and the property has been sold to Doug Westbrock. She <br />has called Mr. Westbrock, but he has not expressed his <br />opinion on the installation of the street. <br />She stated that she would like Lino Lakes to be responsible <br />for the cost of the new street. She feels that eventually, <br />once sewer is installed to this area there will be a need to <br />extend this road even further, making it a through street. <br />Previously Ms. Lowell petitioned her neighbors asking them if <br />they would like a through street installed. She received <br />support from 50% of the residents she polled. According to <br />city code, 51% of the neighbors must be in agreement for the <br />road. <br />Mr. Boxrud addressed the board. He stated that the minor <br />subdivision survey prepared by North Land Surveying Co. dated <br />April 5, 1990, identifies the creation of four 2.501 acre <br />parcels each having a north -south dimension of 332 feet (292 <br />less roadway easement). The east -west dimensions are all <br />approximately 328 feet, with Parcel A being subject to the <br />easement of 24th Avenue /Elmcrest Avenue North. If the <br />easements were formally dedicated right -of -ways, all four <br />parcels would be slightly under 2 1/2 acres. He stated that <br />for now the parcels do meet lot requirements of 2 1/2 acres. <br />This is an issue that should maybe be addressed in the <br />future. <br />Doug Westbrock, the neighbor to the north of the Lowell <br />property stated that he is not in favor of the road going in. <br />He felt it would lower the value of his property. <br />Darla Lowell stated that Mr. Westbrock knew he was buying <br />land that was adjacent to a street easement. <br />Mr. Boxrud stated that Ideally, the street should go all the <br />way from the collector street to collector street for the <br />benefit of the entire area. However, if the street only <br />abutted these properties, the legal requirement of frontage <br />would be satisfied. The minor subdivision proposes a <br />provision for a temporary turnaround within the right -of -way <br />adjacent to Parcel D. <br />Jo Tomillo addressed the board. He stated that he is a real <br />estate agent and said that all of the land owners are award <br />of the street easement and that he feels they do want a road <br />to be installed there in the future. <br />Page 2 <br />
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