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12/12/1990 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/12/1990 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />Design Review Board <br />December 12, 1990 <br />Chairperson Fred Chase called the regular meeting of the design <br />review board to order at 7:03 p.m. at the Lino Lakes City Hall. <br />Members present were: Monika Slatten, Robert King, Fred Chase, <br />John Bergeson and Al Robinson. Also present were: City Planner, <br />John Miller; City Engineer, Dan Boxrud; Building Official, Pete <br />Kluegel; and Planning Secretary, Laura Elken. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Robert King moved to approve the November <br />14th minutes. John Bergeson seconded the motion and the motion was <br />approved unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE Mike Koppy addressed the board. He would like to build <br />a 800 square foot garage. He said a year ago this size of an <br />accessory building would have been allowed. He wanted this garage <br />to store items that otherwise would be left outside. <br />Mr. Chase explained the process of applying for a variance. He <br />explained that the board has worked on amending the zoning <br />ordinance and in April of 1990 and a new ordinance was passed. <br />Mr. Chase also explained that in order for the board to grant a <br />variance they would have to feel that the six findings of facts <br />were met. Mr. Koppy received a copy of the six findings of fact <br />and if he feels that he can meet these he will formally apply for <br />a variance. <br />REQUEST FROM RON BIRCH FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR LAND <br />RECLAMATION ON PROPERTY LOCATED NEAR COUNTY ROAD J AND COUNTY ROAD <br />54, APPLICATION #90 -63. <br />This item appeared before the board in November under open mike. <br />Mr. Birch owns approximately 20 acres of land on the east shore of <br />Lake Amelia. The land is about 500 feet north of C.R. J and I -35E <br />interchange and west of C.R. 54. <br />Birch wishes to use fill material to complete a berm adjacent to <br />C.R. 54. This will protect the property from illegal dumping and <br />buffer the area from C.R. 54 and I -35E. He wishes to develop the <br />property for residential uses of relatively high value. The berm <br />will protect the property from adverse affects of high traffic <br />volumes and direct a homeowners attention to the lake amenity. <br />Mr. Birch explained that concrete has been dumped in the area and <br />that would also be covered with dirt as part of the berm. <br />MOTION: Mr. King moved to recommend to the city council approval <br />1 <br />
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