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12/14/1983 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/14/1983 P&Z Minutes
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6/16/2022 11:36:48 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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8 December 14, 1983 <br />wells. In this case, he will depend on the well man's recommendations. <br />Mr. Clover noted all the other buildings will remain. <br />Mr. McLean asked about time considerations. Mr. Kluegel said the City <br />Council wants the Planning and Zoning Board to set time frames on all <br />Conditional Use Permits. <br />Mr. Prokop asked how the Inspections Department would require or <br />enforce time limits. Mr. Kluegel said he would require Mr. Clover <br />to appear before the Council if the time limits were exceeded. Also <br />there is a 1% escrow requirement for site and building plan approval. <br />This escrow would not be refunded if the time limit was exceeded. <br />Mr. Doocy asked about the crawl space. It was explained there will <br />be a basement, it will be similar to the house at 920 Birch Street, <br />the basement will be half way out of the ground. <br />Mr. Ostlie asked about the site plan, will there be room for other <br />homes. It was explained that this home will be located at one end of <br />the property and will allow for further subdivision. <br />There was discussion with Mr. Clover as to when he felt the moved in <br />house could be completed and the old house removed. Mr. Clover felt <br />the moved in house will be ready for occupancy by September 1, 1984 <br />and the old house removed by November 1, 1984. <br />Mr. McLean moved to recommend approval of a moving permit for <br />Mr. Clover at 7973 - 20th Avenue, Lino Lakes, the moving permit to <br />apply to the move in of a house that has been described approxi- <br />mate square footage of 1162, also to be attached to this recommen- <br />dation for approval is a commitment on the part of Mr. Clover to <br />complete all construction prior to issuance of a complete occupancy <br />permit by September 30, 1984 and that the existing home will be removed <br />and all debris related to it be moved and that the existing home site <br />will completely rehabilitated all by November 1, 1984. Further all <br />the conditions of the City Building Code must be met before the com- <br />plete occupancy will be issued on September 30, 1984. <br />Mr. Clover was told this would be forwarded to the City Council for <br />their consideration on December 27, 1983. <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - ADVERTISING SIGN - WENDELL HENDRICKSON <br />(Continued from November 9, 1983) <br />Mr. Hendrickson said he had met with Mr. Kluegel regarding a sign he <br />has on a trailer located on 35W near Main Street. <br />Mr. Kluegel said he has a problem in determining what type of sign this <br />would be, advertising sign or business sign. This request is for a <br />Conditional Use Permit - Advertising Sign in a Rural area. Business <br />signs would not be allowed in a Rural area. <br />Mr. McLean asked if there is a Sign Permit Application for this sign. <br />Mr. Kluegel explained, no not yet. He also asked what material the <br />sign was to be constructed from. Mr. Kluegel explained Mr. Hendrickson <br />is proposing a sign constructed by erecting telephone poles in concrete <br />with a 2' x 4' frame and be two faced. Mr. McLean noted the Sign <br />Ordinance called steel posts and must meet certain wind load limits. <br />1 <br />
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