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02/21/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/21/1973 P&Z Minutes
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6/16/2022 1:53:49 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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t <br />• <br />Page Three <br />Mr. Marier felt that this area wi 11 create problems and he felt that the Council <br />will have to reconsider this area. <br />Mr. McLean asked: Do we recommend to accept as platted with recommendations <br />that the Council deal with the problem of ownership and maintenance of the Open <br />Space area? <br />Mr. Karth was concerned with the cost of maintenance - Mr. Shearen would approve <br />specifying that the Council check the ownership of the area. Mr. Kelling felt <br />that we should figure out a way to accept as is. Mr. Hill wondered about the <br />total acreage in this area. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to accept the open space concept as platted with recommendations <br />to the Council to check into the pros and cons of Village ownership. The Council <br />also is to check into the drainage of the area and if Village ownership is obtain - <br />:,J, then this area is to be seeded and planted with trees. Seconded by Mr. Kelling <br />Motion carried. <br />On Point #4 of the October 18, 1972 meeting to revise East Shadow Lake Drive.This <br />has been done on the present plat. <br />On Point #5 to develop 75 -80% of the presently serviced lots, U. S. Lakes will <br />comply. <br />M-. Kelling moved #4 be accepted and #5 recommendations presented as written. <br />Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried. Mr. Shearen moved to accept the <br />vacations of the lands as presented in the publication of public notices. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kelling. Motion carried. Mr. McLean moved to accept the final <br />plat of U. S. Lakes Addition #3 as presented with exceptions noted in the afore - <br />aoing motions. Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried. The Public Hearing <br />on the final plat of U. S. Lakes Addition #3 was closed. <br />Mr. McLean would request that in the future that Mr. Locher or Mr. Boh j anen make <br />arrangements to have an attorney present at hearings such as this. The Planning <br />and Zoning Board feels that they are not qualified to interpret legal language <br />and need an Attorney present. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to recommend to the Council that a search be made for a Planner <br />ard before the hiring of such planner that the P &Z and the Liaison have a chance <br />to screen this person. He would recommend that this be done before their next <br />meeting. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Aye. <br />Mr, Karth asked about the screening at the Emery building. The recommendation <br />of the P &Z was to have this up in 3 years. Mr. Marier will look into this <br />recommendation. <br />The P &Z Board asked the Clerk to check into the recommendations concerning the <br />Skyline Auto Body as to their screening requirements and report back to the Board. <br />Mr. McLean reminded the members of the Open Space Hearing on March 1, 1973 at the <br />M tro Square Building. Also, there is an Open Space meeting here at the Village <br />Lrall on March 8, 1973, with the County representatives. <br />Mr. McLean asked that the Clerk set aside one hour on the March agenda for work <br />on the comprehensive zoning map. Mr. Hill asked that the discussion on cul -de -sacs <br />also be on the March Agenda and that Mr. Gotwald be contacted for his feelings. <br />There was discussion on the number of instances in our Village where our Ordinances <br />are being violated and there is no prosecution of the offenders. The PSI recom.^erc <br />to the Council that every effort be made to enforce the Ordinances that we now <br />have on the books. Mr. Kelling moved to adjourn at 10:45P.M. Seconded by <br />Mr. Shearen. Aye. <br />
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