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( a) When not using a permanent roof, a waterproof impermeable , flexible cover must be <br /> placed over all storage piles ( to protect a ainst precipitation and surface water runof f <br /> ( b ) The cover must prevent runoff and leachate from beinggenerated by the outdoor <br /> storage piles . <br /> ( c ) The cover must be secured to prevent removal by wind or other storm events . Piles <br /> must be formed in a conical shape and covered as necessary to prevent leaching_ <br /> ( 3 ) Facility Siting . <br /> ( a) Outdoor storage of deicing materials must be located on an impervious surface . <br /> ( b ) Each facility must be located outside of floodplains and 75 feet from lakes , rivers , <br /> streams , ditches , wetlands and any other areas likely to absorb runoff. <br /> ( c ) The property must be sloped away from the facility ' s deicer storage area . <br /> ( d) Practices must be implemented in order to reduce exposure ( e . g . .) ping , diversions , <br /> and / or containment) when transferring deicing material . <br /> Section 4 . This ordinance shall be in effect 30 days after publication . <br /> Adopted by the Lino Lakes City Council this 12t" day of June , 2023 . <br /> The motion for the adoption of the foregoing ordinance was introduced by Councilmember <br /> G�� v� and was duly seconded by Councilmember 4C44nand upon vote being <br /> taken thereon , the following voted in favor thereof: � weGSh � t-7��, {�otF� , <br /> 0-,nJln � o�t�.dl 0�,10 sen�- - <br /> The following voted against same : Nu-vje, <br /> Age Oit <br /> Cojbafferty , Mayor <br /> ATTEST : <br /> Jolleen Chailca , City Clerk <br />