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CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA <br />REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Statement 11 <br />BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE - GENERAL FUND Page 2 of 6 <br />For The Year Ended December 31, 2017 <br />Budgeted Amounts <br />2017 Actual <br />Amounts <br />Variance <br />with Final <br />Budget - <br />Positive <br />(Negative) <br />Original Final <br />Expenditures: <br />General government: <br />Mayor and city council: <br />Current: <br />Personal services 43,733 43,733 38,966 4,767 <br />Other services and charges 18,000 18,500 19,541 (1,041) <br />Contractual services 17,500 17,500 17,265 235 <br />Total mayor and city council 79,233 79,733 75,772 3,961 <br />Elections: <br />Current: <br />Personal services 10,130 10,130 8,685 1,445 <br />Supplies 800 800 257 543 <br />Other services and charges 1,200 1,200 1,923 (723) <br />Contractual services - - 382 (382) <br />Capital outlay 4,600 4,600 4,685 (85) <br />Total elections 16,730 16,730 15,932 798 <br />Administration: <br />Current: <br />Personal services 472,255 455,255 447,735 7,520 <br />Other services and charges 21,860 21,860 18,450 3,410 <br />Contractual services 10,500 10,500 9,481 1,019 <br />Total administration 504,615 487,615 475,666 11,949 <br />Finance: <br />Current: <br />Personal services 317,635 320,835 319,495 1,340 <br />Supplies 1,000 1,000 246 754 <br />Other services and charges 207,088 207,088 181,219 25,869 <br />Contractual services 101,067 101,067 101,932 (865) <br />Total finance 626,790 629,990 602,892 27,098 <br />Cable TV: <br />Current: <br />Personal services 2,340 2,340 2,477 (137) <br />Capital outlay 500 500 - 500 <br />Total cable TV 2,840 2,840 2,477 363 <br />Legal consultants: <br />Current: <br />Contractual services 140,000 120,000 111,902 8,098 <br />87