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CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA <br />REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Statement 11 <br />BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE - GENERAL FUND Page 6 of 6 <br />For The Year Ended December 31, 2017 <br />Budgeted Amounts <br />2017 Actual <br />Amounts <br />Variance <br />with Final <br />Budget - <br />Positive <br />(Negative) <br />Original Final <br />Expenditures: (continued) <br />Planning and zoning commission: <br />Current: <br />Personal services 101,684 101,684 101,579 105 <br />Supplies 200 200 34 166 <br />Other services and charges 16,250 16,250 10,792 5,458 <br />Contractual services 40,250 15,250 15,265 (15) <br />Total planning and zoning commission 158,384 133,384 127,670 5,714 <br />Total community development 489,920 438,620 426,653 11,967 <br />Other: <br />Contingency 50,000 - - - <br />Total expenditures 9,705,758 9,554,999 9,243,507 311,492 <br />Revenues over (under) expenditures (269,917) 683,694 1,001,120 317,426 <br />Other financing sources (uses): <br />Transfers in 317,717 439,373 439,373 - <br />Transfers out (565,800) (879,152) (879,759) (607) <br />Total other financing sources (uses)(248,083) (439,779) (440,386) (607) <br />Net change in fund balance ($518,000) $243,915 560,734 $316,819 <br />Fund balance - January 1 6,256,191 <br />Fund balance - December 31 $6,816,925 <br />91