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CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA <br />REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Statement 17 <br />SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN THE NET PENSION LIABILITY AND RELATED RATIOS - <br />LINO LAKES PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT - FIRE DIVISION <br />For The Year Ended December 31, 2017 <br />Fiscal year ending and measurement date December 31, 2017 December 31, 2016 <br />Total pension liability: <br />Service cost $47,952 $38,419 <br />Interest on pension liability 6,191 3,568 <br />Changes of benefit terms - - <br />Differences between expected and actual experience (11,672)(7,804) <br />Changes of assumptions - - <br />Benefit payments, including refunds of employee contributions - - <br />Net change in total pension liability 42,471 34,183 <br />Total pension liability - beginning 55,240 21,057 <br />Total pension liability - ending (a)$97,711 $55,240 <br />Plan fiduciary net position: <br />Contributions - employer $58,800 $44,394 <br />Contributions - State of Minnesota 113,797 - <br />Net investment income 9,153 133 <br />Benefit payments, including refunds of employee contributions - - <br />Administrative expense (572) - <br />Net change in plan fiduciary net position 181,178 44,527 <br />Plan fiduciary net position - beginning 44,527 - <br />Plan fiduciary net position - ending (b)$225,705 $44,527 <br />Net pension liability/(asset) - ending (a) - (b)($127,994)$10,713 <br />Plan fiduciary net position as a percentage of the total pension liability 231.0%80.6% <br />Covered payroll N/A N/A <br />Net pension liability as a percentage of covered employee payroll N/A N/A <br />N/A - the Lino Lakes Fire Department is comprised of paid on-call firefighters, whose pay does <br />not meet the definition of covered payroll. <br />The City created its own fire department in 2016. Therefore, information prior to 2016 is not available. <br />97