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CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA <br />COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND Statement 20 <br />CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE <br />NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS <br />For The Year Ended December 31, 2017 <br />Permanent <br />Fund Total <br />Environment and Nonmajor <br />Special Debt Capital Stewardship Governmental <br />Revenue Service Project Fund Funds <br />Revenues: <br />General property taxes $ - $2,121,680 $33 $ - $2,121,713 <br />Tax increment - - 312,152 - 312,152 <br />Intergovernmental - - 413,433 - 413,433 <br />Special assessments - 364,742 302,186 - 666,928 <br />Charges for services 175,110 - 593,165 - 768,275 <br />Fines and forfeits 465,616 - - - 465,616 <br />Investment earnings 4,536 21,265 64,414 961 91,176 <br />Miscellaneous 33,046 37,595 36,060 8,500 115,201 <br /> Total revenues 678,308 2,545,282 1,721,443 9,461 4,954,494 <br />Expenditures: <br />Current: <br />General government - - 6,978 - 6,978 <br />Public safety 13,409 - - - 13,409 <br />Public services 179,480 - 1,030,900 - 1,210,380 <br />Community development 607 - 5,884 - 6,491 <br />Capital outlay: <br />General government - - 228,895 - 228,895 <br />Public safety 85,638 - 808,193 - 893,831 <br />Public services 108,219 - 759,965 - 868,184 <br />Debt service: <br />Principal - 4,353,525 - - 4,353,525 <br />Interest and fiscal charges - 488,354 5,836 - 494,190 <br /> Total expenditures 387,353 4,841,879 2,846,651 0 8,075,883 <br />Revenues over (under) expenditures 290,955 (2,296,597) (1,125,208) 9,461 (3,121,389) <br />Other financing sources (uses): <br />Transfers in 88,959 1,595,477 1,274,568 - 2,959,004 <br />Transfers out (121,656) (588,899) (3,108,555) - (3,819,110) <br />Issuance of debt - - 311,000 - 311,000 <br />Proceeds from sale of capital assets - - 103,328 - 103,328 <br /> Total other financing sources (uses) (32,697) 1,006,578 (1,419,659) 0 (445,778) <br />Net change in fund balance 258,258 (1,290,019) (2,544,867) 9,461 (3,567,167) <br />Fund balance - January 1 481,633 5,513,818 8,973,365 113,855 15,082,671 <br />Fund balance - December 31 $739,891 $4,223,799 $6,428,498 $123,316 $11,515,504 <br />106