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Management’s Discussion and Analysis <br /> <br /> <br />Long-term debt. At the end of the current fiscal year, the City had total bonded debt <br />outstanding of $19,976,243. Of this amount, $14,714,250 comprises tax supported debt and <br />$4,905,000 is special assessment debt. All outstanding debt carries the general obligation <br />backing for which the City is liable in the event of default by the property owners subject to <br />the specific taxes, special assessments or revenues pledged to the retirement of the debt. In <br />addition, the City has a note payable to the City of Circle Pines for its share of the cost of <br />capital equipment to be used by the North Metro Telecommunications Commission in the <br />operation of a cable communications system in the amount of $233,475. <br /> <br />City of Lino Lakes’ Outstanding Debt <br /> <br />2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 <br />General obligation bonds $14,947,725 $18,460,250 $ - $ - $14,947,725 $18,460,250 <br />G.O. special assessment bonds 4,905,000 7,795,000 - - 4,905,000 7,795,000 <br />Note payable - Anoka County - 1,345,000 - - - 1,345,000 <br />Bond premium 123,518 140,831 - - 123,518 140,831 <br /> Total $19,976,243 $27,741,081 $0 $0 $19,976,243 $27,741,081 <br />Business-Type Activities TotalsGovernmental Activities <br />The City of Lino Lakes’ total bonded debt decreased by $7,764,838 during the current fiscal <br />year. The key factors for the change include the issuance of $311,000 of Certificates of <br />Indebtedness to finance capital equipment purchases, as well as principal retired in the <br />amount of $8,508,525 during the year. <br /> <br />Additional information on the City’s long-term debt can be found in Note 6. <br /> <br />Requests for information. This financial report is designed to provide a general overview <br />of the City’s finances for all those with an interest in the government’s finances. Questions <br />concerning any of the information provided in this report or requests for additional financial <br />information should be addressed to the Director of Finance, City of Lino Lakes, 600 Town <br />Center Parkway, Lino Lakes, Minnesota, 55014. <br /> <br />29