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CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA <br />STATEMENT OF NET POSITION Statement 7 <br />PROPRIETARY FUNDS <br />December 31, 2017 <br />601 Water 602 Sewer Total <br />Assets: <br />Current assets: <br />Cash and cash equivalents $5,477,346 $8,444,352 $13,921,698 <br />Due from other governmental units - 1,614 1,614 <br />Accounts receivable - net 157,008 219,949 376,957 <br />Prepaid items 9,255 17,827 27,082 <br />Inventory 30,368 - 30,368 <br />Interfund loan receivable - 914,949 914,949 <br /> Total current assets 5,673,977 9,598,691 15,272,668 <br />Noncurrent assets: <br />Capital assets: <br />Construction in progress 772,676 734,477 1,507,153 <br />Equipment 143,429 331,225 474,654 <br />Water and sewer systems 24,949,194 23,048,571 47,997,765 <br />Total capital assets 25,865,299 24,114,273 49,979,572 <br />Less: Allowance for depreciation (8,698,982) (9,448,640) (18,147,622) <br /> Net capital assets 17,166,317 14,665,633 31,831,950 <br /> Total assets 22,840,294 24,264,324 47,104,618 <br />Deferred outflows of resources related to pensions 48,559 48,559 97,118 <br />Total assets and deferred outflows 22,888,853 24,312,883 47,201,736 <br />Liabilities: <br />Current liabilities: <br />Accounts payable 8,256 7,054 15,310 <br />Salaries payable 3,917 3,917 7,834 <br />Due to other governments 11,683 2,769 14,452 <br />Other accrued liabilities 3,289 2,568 5,857 <br />Compensated absences payable - current portion 19,065 19,065 38,130 <br />Total current liabilities 46,210 35,373 81,583 <br />Noncurrent liabilities: <br />Compensated absences payable - noncurrent portion 14,213 14,213 28,426 <br />Other post employment benefits 4,240 4,240 8,480 <br />Net pension liability 169,149 169,149 338,298 <br />Total noncurrent liabilities 187,602 187,602 375,204 <br /> Total liabilities 233,812 222,975 456,787 <br />Deferred inflows of resources related to pensions 33,477 33,477 66,954 <br />Total liabilities and deferred inflows 267,289 256,452 523,741 <br />Net position: <br />Investment in capital assets 17,166,317 14,665,633 31,831,950 <br />Unrestricted 5,455,247 9,390,798 14,846,045 <br /> Total net position $22,621,564 $24,056,431 $46,677,995 <br />Business-Type Activities - Enterprise Funds <br />The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. <br />41