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CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA <br />STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Statement 9 <br />PROPRIETARY FUNDS <br />For The Year Ended December 31, 2017 <br />601 Water 602 Sewer Totals <br />Cash flows from operating activities: <br /> Receipts from customers and users $1,136,110 $1,695,698 $2,831,808 <br /> Payment to suppliers (444,107) (1,301,838) (1,745,945) <br /> Payment to employees (248,394) (252,391) (500,785) <br />Net cash flows provided by operating activities 443,609 141,469 585,078 <br />Cash flows from noncapital financing activities: <br />Interfund loans provided to other funds - (355,839) (355,839) <br />Transfers in 104,969 104,969 209,938 <br />Transfers out (35,727) (35,727) (71,454) <br />Net cash flows provided by (used in) <br />noncapital financing activities 69,242 (286,597) (217,355) <br />Cash flows from capital and related financing activities: <br /> Acquisition of capital assets (23,000) - (23,000) <br />Net cash flows provided by (used in) <br />capital and related financing activities (23,000) 0 (23,000) <br />Cash flows from investing activities: <br /> Investment earnings 39,612 66,876 106,488 <br />Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 529,463 (78,252) 451,211 <br />Cash and cash equivalents - January 1 4,947,883 8,522,604 13,470,487 <br />Cash and cash equivalents - December 31 $5,477,346 $8,444,352 $13,921,698 <br />Reconciliation of operating income to net <br /> cash provided by operating activities: <br /> Operating income (loss) ($94,415) ($202,858) ($297,273) <br /> Adjustments to reconcile operating income <br /> (loss) to net cash flows from operating activities: <br /> Depreciation 580,804 477,094 1,057,898 <br /> Changes in assets and liabilities: <br /> Decrease (increase) in due from other governmental units - 409 409 <br /> Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable - net (14,724) (3,674) (18,398) <br /> Decrease (increase) in prepaid items 906 1,259 2,165 <br /> Decrease (increase) in inventory 51,459 - 51,459 <br /> Decrease (increase) in deferred outflows of resources 35,592 35,592 71,184 <br /> Increase (decrease) in payables (96,700) (146,504) (243,204) <br /> Increase (decrease) in other accrued liabilities (46) (582) (628) <br /> Increase (decrease) in compensated absences 83 83 166 <br /> Increase (decrease) in other post employment benefits 4,240 4,240 8,480 <br /> Increase (decrease) in net pension liability (31,955) (31,955) (63,910) <br /> Increase (decrease) in deferred inflows of resources 8,365 8,365 16,730 <br /> Total adjustments 538,024 344,327 882,351 <br /> Net cash provided by operating activities $443,609 $141,469 $585,078 <br />Noncash investing, capital and financing activities: <br />Contributions of capital assets $587,854 $418,385 $1,006,239 <br />Business-Type Activities - Enterprise Funds <br />The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. <br />43