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Management’s Discussion and Analysis <br /> <br /> <br />Government-Wide Financial Analysis <br /> <br />As noted earlier, net position may serve over time as a useful indicator of a government's <br />financial position. In the case of the City, assets and deferred outflows of resources exceeded <br />liabilities and deferred inflows of resources by $144,318,999 at the close of the most recent <br />fiscal year. <br /> <br />The largest portion of the City’s net position ($98,180,477 or 68%) reflects its net investment <br />in capital assets (e.g. land, buildings, equipment, and infrastructure) less any related debt <br />used to acquire those assets that is still outstanding. The City uses these capital assets to <br />provide services to citizens; consequently, these assets are not available for future spending. <br />Although the City’s investment in its capital assets is reported net of related debt, it should be <br />noted that the resources needed to repay this debt must be provided from other sources, since <br />the capital assets themselves cannot be used to liquidate these liabilities. <br /> <br />City of Lino Lakes’ Net Position <br /> <br />2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 <br />Assets: <br />Current and other assets $44,586,667 $45,306,045 $16,270,032 $15,276,547 $60,856,699 $60,582,592 <br />Capital assets 66,000,296 63,271,845 50,119,172 49,792,563 116,119,468 113,064,408 <br /> Total assets 110,586,963 108,577,890 66,389,204 65,069,110 176,976,167 173,647,000 <br />Deferred outflows of resources 7,546,180 8,450,026 214,180 208,614 7,760,360 8,658,640 <br />Liabilities: <br />Long-term liabilities outstanding 23,058,533 31,756,932 583,183 611,442 23,641,716 32,368,374 <br />Other liabilities 7,291,313 7,850,987 348,157 247,354 7,639,470 8,098,341 <br /> Total liabilities 30,349,846 39,607,919 931,340 858,796 31,281,186 40,466,715 <br />Deferred inflows of resources 8,959,057 2,848,488 177,285 51,962 9,136,342 2,900,450 <br />Net position: <br />Net investment in capital assets 48,061,305 43,292,333 50,119,172 49,792,563 98,180,477 93,084,896 <br />Restricted 9,398,180 10,200,962 - - 9,398,180 10,200,962 <br />Unrestricted 21,364,755 21,078,214 15,375,587 14,574,403 36,740,342 35,652,617 <br /> Total net position $78,824,240 $74,571,509 $65,494,759 $64,366,966 $144,318,999 $138,938,475 <br />Governmental Activities Business-Type Activities Totals <br /> <br />Of the City’s net position, $9,398,180 represents resources that are subject to external <br />restrictions on how they may be used. The remaining balance of unrestricted net position <br />($36,740,342) may be used to meet ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. <br /> <br />At the end of the current fiscal year, the City is able to report positive balances in all three <br />categories of net position, both for the government as a whole, as well as for its separate <br />governmental and business-type activities. <br /> <br />22 <br />29