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LINO LAKES CITY COUNCIL <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />MINUTES <br />DATE: July 22, 2024 <br />TIME STARTED: 6:30 PM <br />TIME ENDED: 8:42 PM <br />LOCATION: City Council Chambers <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rafferty, Councilmembers Cavegn, Lyden, Ruhland and Stoesz <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: None <br />Staff Members Present: City Administrator Sarah Cotton, City Clerk Roberta Colotti, Community <br />Development Director Michael Grochala, City Engineer Diane Hankee, HR & Communications <br />Manager Meg Sawyer, Public Safety Director John Swenson, and City Attorney Jay Squires. <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rafferty at 6:30 PM. <br />Mayor Rafferty provided an overview of the Rules of Decorum and provided first warning <br />regarding enforcement of the rules. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Mayor Rafferty opened the public comment period at 6:35 p.m. <br />Luke Walter, 7800 Maryland Drive, Lino Lakes, stated that he was here this evening <br />representing the committee of petitioners who submitted three development related petitions <br />to the City staff on July 1, 2024. He noted two petitions are proposed charter amendments and <br />the third proposes the adoption of an ordinance. <br />Mr. Walters stated that the petitioners care deeply about the future of the city and believe it's <br />worth their efforts to protect it. He stated that the issues we face regarding the developments <br />proposed in the northwest quadrant have exposed a significant gap in the necessary <br />protections for our city and their group has had to step in and address those profound needs <br />identified by Lino Lakes residents. They have seen a growing concern amongst residents about <br />rapid pace development and the potential consequences. He stated that it is our collective <br />responsibility to ensure that growth and progress do not come at the expense of the quality of <br />life and the wellbeing of our existing residents. <br />Mr. Walters stated that there are two possible directions for tonight's City Attorney opinion, <br />either his opinion supports the legalities of their petitions, in which case, the Council can <br />disregard the next part of his speech, or the City Attorney's opinion is not favorable, in which <br />case he asks the Council to listen carefully. He stated that these petitions have been <br />meticulously crafted with the best interest of our community in mind and to dismiss them <br />based on some technicality would be a disservice to the residents of Lino Lakes. <br />Mr. Walters stated that the first petition aims to prevent intentionally segregated <br />neighborhoods. It's not just a matter of policy, it's a matter of justice and equity. The second <br />petition seeks to reduce the pace of residential growth. He stated that they are not against <br />