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03-04-2013 Council Work Session Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-04-2013 Council Work Session Minutes
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3/13/2014 12:30:55 PM
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12/12/2013 2:01:23 PM
City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION March 4, 2013 <br />APPROVED <br />46 The council discussed the possibility of lessening use of C5 during the summer months <br />47 when the water usage is the highest (due to irrigation) and it is needed the least. The <br />48 mayor suggested that it may be time for a discussion of treatment options. Mr. <br />49 Hillesheim estimated the cost of a treatment facility at $1.2 - $1.3 million with the <br />50 lifespan of a facility varying according to different elements. Mr. DeGardner advised that <br />51 staff would work with the city engineer for an up to date estimate. Council Member <br />52 Roeser confirmed that a new facility would not require new personnel and also asked <br />53 about the possibility of using a different aquifer. <br />54 <br />55 Mayor Reinert asked that staff return for additional discussion at the next work session. <br />56 <br />57 3. Blue Heron Days (discussion continued from February 4 work session) - <br />58 Administrator Karison explained that, after looking at options for assisting with the city <br />59 festival after Economic Development Coordinator Divine retires, the Parks and <br />60 Recreation department seems to have a good fit. They are proposing to add the duties to <br />61 an assistant recreation supervisor position that is filled each summer. That position <br />62 would then be in place for more months and for about $3,000 more, that person would <br />63 provide Blue Heron Days coordination in addition to summer recreation services. There <br />64 is an individual who has worked in the position previously and who is qualified and <br />65 interested in adding the duties. This suggestion comes from Public Services Director <br />66 DeGardner and Recreation Supervisor Tanya Mozingo, who would back up the duties if <br />67 needed. Mr. Karlson added that since Ms. Divine's position is budgeted for the entire <br />68 year and she intends to retire in April, the cost of the services would be available in the <br />69 current budget. Mayor Reinert noted that it will be very helpful for this individual to <br />70 have the detailed log that Ms. Divine has prepared regarding her Blue Heron days <br />71 involvement. He sees that the Parks and Recreation Department is a good fit and the <br />72 council concurred with the proposal. <br />73 <br />74 4. Off -Sale Liquor Licensing — City Clerk Bartell reported that the council has <br />75 previously discussed the possibility of restrictions on off -sale liquor stores. At the last <br />76 work session staff was directed to prepare an ordinance that restricts the location of liquor <br />77 stores to one -half a mile apart. An ordinance is before the council that provides for that <br />78 restriction as well as exempting 3.2 off -sale, combination on- sale /off -sale and brewery <br />79 off -sale licenses as was directed by the council. <br />80 <br />81 Council Member Roeser asked about who would benefit from new restrictions and Ms. <br />82 Bartell responded that adding restrictions is a policy decision that some cities make. The <br />83 benefit to the city would based on the view of the council. Council Member Roeser <br />84 suggested that having more stores creates competition and that reduces prices so that <br />85 would be a good situation for the residents. He's uncertain that adopting these <br />86 restrictions would necessarily be of benefit to the customers. As well, the regulations <br />87 seem to be written for a group of existing stores and that isn't the right approach. Council <br />88 Member Roeser said he is also concerned about how the regulations could impact future <br />89 development and that they could perhaps dissuade a business from locating in the city if a <br />90 license isn't available. Mayor Reinert said he sees that the city's current policy creates a <br />2 <br />
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