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05-06-2013 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05-06-2013 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting Minutes
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3/13/2014 12:34:12 PM
Creation date
12/12/2013 2:53:59 PM
City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Board of Appeal
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BOARD OF REVIEW MINUTES May 6, 2013 <br />APPROVED <br />45 infrastructure. At this point the taxes are more than $17,000 per year. He believes that, because the <br />46 property is really undevelopable for a long time, it isn't worth anything near the current valuation. <br />47 <br />48 Community Development Director Grochala had been directed to look at the property and assist Mr. <br />49 Johnson in a vacation or whatever would be necessary to reflect the correct value of the property. He <br />50 explained that he understands that the property in question is not being valued as a whole clear parcel <br />51 but is difficult to bring it back to that position and would also need to include vacation of roadway <br />52 plans. <br />53 <br />54 Mr. Johnson recalled that he and his partners bought this property 45 years ago. He distributed a copy <br />55 of a letter from 1992 from former City Administrator Randy Schumacher to the Anoka County <br />56 Assessor's Office explaining the possibility of future development of the Pine Oaks property and <br />57 requesting a reevaluation of the property valuation. Mr. Johnson asked that the City and County <br />58 honor the direction of the letter since the property is still quite far from any development plans. <br />59 <br />60 The council discussed the history of the property, including the fact that it was a part of a proposed <br />61 development (Nature's Refuge) that didn't materialize. Mayor Reinert asked if there is any value to <br />62 the platting that already exists for this property. Mr. Grochala said that he can't see any value at this <br />63 point. <br />64 <br />65 Mr. Johnson noted that he would like to receive tax abatement on the property. Ms. Nordrum <br />66 discussed her knowledge of the history of this property and it's valuation. She explained the range of <br />67 values that the County is looking at and how the properties could be divided. She added that the <br />68 Board can act as they choose but whatever the action that is taken won't impact taxes until payable <br />69 2014. Also there are special assessments involved. <br />70 <br />71 Mr. Grochala added that Mr. Johnson could petition the city to vacate the streets that were planned <br />72 long ago. <br />73 <br />74 Mayor Reinert asked Mr. Johnson if he would accept the division of property offered by the County <br />75 Appraiser that would offer approximately a one -half reduction in valuation, and Mr. Johnson <br />76 responded that he would prefer that the taxes be abated. Mayor Reinert noted that the council should <br />77 be certain that the current plats are unbuildable before lowering the taxes to reflect that. Mr. <br />78 Grochala responded that the city's zoning ordinance would call the property unbuildable. He added <br />79 that it would make sense for the city to see the plats go away. <br />80 <br />81 The board concurred with the following action: <br />82 <br />83 A reduction of the estimated market value payable in 2014 on seven parcels owned by Pine Acres <br />84 Development Company and that staff be directed to provide a list of those seven parcels and the <br />85 parcels for which the estimated market value was not decreased to Mr. Johnson. <br />86 <br />87 Council Member Roeser moved to approve the reduction as indicated. Council Member O'Donnell <br />88 seconded the motion. Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. <br />89 <br />2 <br />
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