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• <br />WS -2 <br />WORK SESSION STAFF REPORT <br />Work Session Item No. 2 <br />Date: Council Work Session, Wednesday, June 9, 2004 <br />To: City Council <br />From: Gordon Heitke, City Administrator <br />Re: Future Reorganization of VLAWMO <br />IIIBackground <br />The Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization (VLAWMO) was established <br />in 1983 to meet the requirements of the Metropolitan Surface Water Management Act <br />and consists of six cities and the St. Paul Water Utility. VLAWMO acts as the Local <br />Government Unity (LGU) in the administration of the Wetland Conservation Act for the <br />six cities and promotes preservation of natural surface and groundwater systems. Since <br />its inception in 1983 the organization has reviewed development plans to ensure <br />compliance with the Wetland Conservation Act, promoted pubic education programs, <br />sponsored ongoing water quality testing programs and worked with other agencies to <br />resolve wetland impact issues. <br />Due to budget limitations, the VLAWMO Board has recently been reviewing possible <br />organizational alternatives for the future. Member government units recently approved a <br />one -year extension of the joint powers agreement to January 1, 2006 to allow time for <br />study and formulation of a recommendation for future operation. Since many of the <br />functions performed by VLAWMO are also accomplished by cities directly or by <br />adjoining Watershed Districts, it may be advisable to combine VLAWMO with one of <br />the adjoining Watershed Districts (Rice Creek Watershed District or Ramsey Washington <br />Metro Watershed District). By combining watershed organizations there may be <br />financial as well as service advantages. <br />• <br />