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• <br />Forrn W -9 (Rear. 1 •20421 <br />Specific Instructions <br />Name. If you are an individual, you must <br />generally enter the name shown 0n your <br />social security card. However, ifyou have <br />changed your last name, fa instance, due to <br />marriage without informing the Social Security <br />Administration of the name change, enter <br />your first name, the last name shown on your <br />social security card, and your new last. name. <br />If the account is in joint names list first and <br />then circle tl-e name of the person or entity <br />who..c number you enter in Part I of the form. <br />Sole proprietor. Enter your Individual <br />name as shown on you- social security card <br />an the "Name" line. You may enter your <br />business, trade, or "doing business as (DBA)" <br />name' on the "Business name" line. <br />Limited lability company (UP. If you are <br />a single- member LLC including a foreign LLC <br />with a domestic owner) that is disregarded as <br />an entity separate from its owner under <br />Treasury regulations section 301.7701 -3, <br />enter the owner's name an the "Name" <br />line, Enter the LLC's name on the "Business <br />name" fire. <br />Other entities. Enter your business name <br />as shown on required Federal tax documents <br />on the "Nam" line. The, name should match <br />the name shown on the charter or other legal <br />document ,seating the entity. You may enter <br />any business, trade, or RBA name on the <br />"BLainess name" line. <br />Exempt from backup withhafdirag If you <br />are exempt, enter your name as described <br />above, then check the "E:aoempt from backup <br />withholding" box in the fine felbwing the <br />business name, sign and date the form. <br />Individuals (including sole proprietors) are <br />nut exempt from backup withholding. <br />Corptxations are exempt from backup <br />withholding for certain payments; su=:h as <br />interest and dividends. For more information <br />on exempt payees, sc-e the Instructions for <br />Me Requester of Form W -9. <br />If you are a nonresident alien or a faeign <br />entity not subject to backup withholding, give <br />the requester the appropriate completed <br />Form W -B. <br />Note: If you are exempt.fixam beraiatp <br />ao iti'rdding. pet s; ot&d stiff cernpiete this <br />kern to avoid possible erroreeous &Kee p <br />seiderxa'dTrg. <br />Part [ Taxpayer Identification <br />Number (TIN) <br />Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. <br />If you are a resident aliens: and you do not <br />have and are not eligible to get an SSN, your <br />TIN is your IRS individual taxpayer <br />dentificatien number (ITIN). Enter it in tt-e <br />social security numbs box. If you do not <br />have an 111N., see :How to get a TIN! below. <br />If you are a sole proprietor and you have <br />an EIN, you may enter either you- SSN or <br />EIN. However, the IRS prefer that you use <br />your SSN. <br />If you are an LLC that is disregarded as <br />an entity separate from its owner (see <br />iitrrited.lia:biiity company (Up) above), and <br />are owed by an individual, enter your SSN <br />(cr "pre -LLC" EIN, if desiedi. If the owner of <br />a disregarded LLC is a corporation, <br />partnership, etc., enter the owner's El N. <br />Note: See the tart on this page .far firram- <br />cfarrficati5ra of name and NW combinations. <br />How to get a TIN.. If you do not have a TIN, <br />applyfar one immediately. To apply for an <br />SSN, get Fans 55 -5, Application for a Social <br />Security Card, from your local Social Security <br />Administration office. Get Fcirne W -7. <br />Minnesota Option Structure Lease <br />2005 <br />ersge i <br />5appucation for IRS Individual Taxpayer <br />Identification Number. to apply for an ITIN, or <br />Form 5S -4, Application for Employer <br />Identification Number, to apply for an EIN. <br />You can get Forms W-7 and SS -4 from the <br />IRS by calling 1-BOO-TAX-FORM <br />(14109-82 9- ax from the IRS Web Site at <br />t wwers,:gay. <br />If you arts asked to complete Fame W -9 but <br />do not have a TIN, mite "Applied For" in the <br />space for the TIN, sign and date the fans, <br />and give it to the requester. For interest and <br />dividend payments, and certain payment <br />made with respect to readily tradatle <br />instruments, generally you will have 60 days <br />to get a TIN and give it to the raqueet <br />before you as subject to backup withholding <br />on payments. The 60-day rule dri not apply <br />ba other types of payments. You will be <br />subject to backup withholding on all soh <br />payments until you provide your TIN to the <br />requester. <br />Note: Writing " Applied Ecr "means that you <br />have already applied fir a TIN :or brat yeti <br />intend to apply far rroe soon <br />Caution: A d& dis-eparderfebmestic entity that <br />has a foreign owner must use the a{pp-cpriate <br />Fo erW -B. <br />Part II—Certification <br />To establish to the withholding agent that you <br />ere a. U.S. person, or resident alien, sign Form <br />W -9. You may be requested to sign by the <br />withholding agent even if items 1, 3, and <br />below indicate otherwise. <br />For a joint account, only the person whose <br />TIN is shown in Part I should sign (when <br />required). Exempt recipients, see .Exempt <br />from backep ra ffahrhofding above. <br />Signature requirements, Complete the <br />certification as indcated in 1 through 6 <br />below. <br />1, interest, dividend, and barter <br />exehaage accounts opened before 1984 <br />and broker accounts :considered active <br />during 1083, You must give your correct TIN, <br />but you do not have to sign the certification. <br />2. interest, dividend, broker, and barter <br />exchange accounts opened after 1983 and <br />broker accounts considered inactive during <br />1883. You must sign the certification or <br />backup withhold ing will apply. If you are <br />a.tbject to backup withholding and you are <br />merely providing your correct 11N to the <br />requester, you must cross out item 2 in the <br />certification tefarm signing the farm. <br />3. Real state transactions, You must . <br />sign the certification. You may cross out <br />item 2 of the certification. <br />4. Other payments. You must give your <br />correct TIN, but you do net have to sign the <br />certification unless you have been notified <br />that you have previously given an incorrect. <br />TIN. "Other payments" include payments <br />made in the course of the requesters trade <br />or business for rents royalties., goods (other <br />than bills for merchandise), medical and <br />health care services (including payments to <br />corporations), payments to a nonemplcyee for <br />serei;;es, payments to certain fishing boat <br />aew members and fishermen, and gross <br />proceeds paid to attorneys (including <br />payments to corporations). <br />re. Mortgage interest paid by you, <br />acquisition or abandonment of secured <br />property, cancellation of debt, qualified <br />tuition program payments (under section <br />529),. IRA or Archer h1S t contributions or <br />distributions, and pension. distributions. <br />You must give your correct TIN, but yrau do <br />not have to sign the certification. <br />e^e <br />-50— <br />GU <br />Privacy Act Notice <br />Section 61CA of the Internal Revenue Code <br />requires you to give your correct TIN to <br />persons who must file information returns <br />with the IRS to report interest, dividends, anc <br />aartain other income paid to you, mortgage <br />interest you paid.. the acquisition or <br />abandonment of secured property, <br />cancellation of debt, or contributions you <br />made to an IRA or Archer VISA. The IRS use <br />the numbers for identification purposes and <br />to help verify the accuracy of your tax return. <br />The IRS may also provide this information to <br />the Department of Justice for civil and <br />criminal litigation, and to cities, states, and <br />the District of Columbia to carry out their tax <br />Issas. <br />You must provide your TIN whether or not . <br />you are required to file a tax rotten. Payees <br />must generally withhold 3034 of taxable <br />interest, dividend, and certain other paymenu <br />to a payee hstio does not give a TIN to <br />payer. Certain penalties may also apply. <br />What Name and Number To <br />Give the Requester <br />For this type O act <br />111,0 :name and SSN of <br />1. n]lvttusl <br />2. Two cr were <br />lndtvkil= IErt <br />ecrourfl <br />3. Custodian atxrtnt rf <br />o mhos ilinrcrm all <br />to Minas Act) <br />A. a. The aoual <br />reercatte t'van1r1 <br />MST granter G <br />dso trustee) <br />b. so- called hest <br />account tlt1 Is rel <br />a leoal to- vale hint <br />uncfr 115:010 law <br />5. &ti? prrlrldastip <br />The ndvldual <br />The acted coons 01 ID? <br />t nt cr, tictxnbhed <br />hods, tie? tilt Irdti lmLk1 <br />on the a:cnurt 1 <br />The Irirna 3 <br />The 9-arta- trustee 1 <br />The artul CAM' 1 <br />The caaler 3 <br />For this t} of account <br />Sive name and ElfJ ot: <br />B. Sole anglntor -lip <br />7. It valt7 Met, estate, a <br />Ferslcn trust <br />B. corporate <br />9. Asseclit L chin, <br />religious, rxantabG, <br />eltrationat, or eves <br />lax exempt <br />awn: 011m <br />10. Pantera1p <br />11. 4Inter erregGirrc1 <br />rorrinee <br />12. Accourtwtm the <br />Cepertment LI <br />retinae In the retire <br />rf a orbit entity Larch <br />as a state a lo:al <br />greantnart, schod <br />atdilct, cr preen) that <br />receives ag istliu al <br />pnxfram pameris <br />The parer 3 <br />L si WIG r <br />The caporanen <br />The lxgantJallcn <br />The patnerslip <br />The rn11so a- nanirr <br />The pubic a tlty <br />1 LGt 11st and tdree the naive ct the pets0n whose <br />numtcrp.1lumen. 11 only core persra on al:Int <br />amount rvrs an 55N, 1Iai per son's renter ems 130 <br />tUmSht. <br />'Circe the mitt's name are lurisll tie mrmr's 1"N. <br />' You met alicw your lndriodua I name, but yai may <br />dso enter wtr boons 11 "l:50I Hanle. You troy we <br />ether your 5514 rx EIN (Rya] h=ive onr.9. <br />' Lit t[st and orduthe nine cr the egal -Met, 5510110 <br />cr parent trust (f7o not knish the TIN c( the nil <br />rtfrecenLaltw_ ca trustee urine, the legal witty user Is <br />net designated In Inc accourt tee) <br />Note: If rats name is circled Wren more tharr <br />core mantle is fisted, the rncrtber viii be <br />considered to be that of the first name Pitted. <br />Final Date: 050617 <br />