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08/14/2002 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
08/14/2002 P&Z Minutes
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2/13/2014 10:38:25 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board <br />August 14, 2002 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVED MINUTES <br />Mr. Lyden made a MOTION to close Open Mike at 6:41 p.m., and was supported by Mr. <br />Hyden. Motion carried 5-0. <br />V.ACTION ITEMS <br />A. Mary Zehowski, 900 Oak Lane, Minor Subdivision <br />Staff explained Mary Zehowski is applying for a Minor Subdivision of 30 acres, zoned <br />Rural, at 900 Oak Lane. Although the minimu m lot size for property in a Rural zone is <br />10 acres, Ms. Zehowski is seeking to create a 2.5-acre parcel a nd a 27.5-acre parcel, as <br />allowed under Section 3, subd. 3.A.2.b.2 of the Lino Lakes City Code: <br />“Habitable single family homes constructed prior to July 13, 1992 may <br />reduce their lot size to a minimum of one acre if the balance of the property <br />results in a parcel of ten acres, or is serviced by public sewer, and it can <br />be demonstrated by means satisfactory to the City that the division will <br />not result in ground water, soil, or ot her contamination, which may endanger <br />the public health.” <br />Staff reviewed its analysis by explaining the Certificate of Survey shows the proposed <br />division of the 30-acre parcel. Parcel A, 2.5 acres, contains an existing house and garage, <br />of which 51.7% is upland; Parcel B, 27.5 acre s, contains the balance of the property, of <br />which 28.1 % is upland. <br />With respect to Minimum Lot Requirements, staff explained the minimum lot size for <br />property in a rural zone is ten acres. Th e proposed newly created lot would meet this <br />requirement, with the balance of the property consisting of the 2.5-acr e parcel, as allowed <br />under Section 3, subd. 3.A.2.b.2. <br />Staff stated the minimum lot width for property in a Rural zone is 330’, and both lots will <br />meet this requirement. In addition, both lots will have full frontage on a road, as required <br />under the Lino Lakes Subdivision Ordinan ce, Section 1008.08, subdiv. 6, which states <br />that “all lots shall abut for their full frontage on a publically dedicated street.” <br />With respect to buildable area, staff stat ed Lino Lakes City Ordinance Section 3, subd. <br />3.B.1.b requires parcels requiring a minimum of 10 acres or more to have a minimum of <br />20% upland area. Much of this property is wetland, and as a result, it was necessary for <br />the applicant to delineate wetland boundaries. Results of that delineation indicate that <br />both lots meet the minimum upland require ment, with Parcel A at 51.7% upland and <br />Parcel B at 28.1% upland. <br />With respect to septic issues, staff explained soils tests confirm that there are soils on <br />both the proposed parcels capable of accommodating a septic system, with enough room <br />for both primary and secondary sites. <br />With respect to property boundaries/encroach ment issues, staff noted the western <br />property boundary of the parcel is currently being confirmed, as it appears some of the <br />outbuildings belonging to the property are actually sited on the neighboring property.
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