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10/08/2008 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
10/08/2008 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board <br />October 8, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVED MINUTES <br /> <br />Mr. Pogalz made a MOTION to close Open Mike at 6:36 p.m. Motion was supported by <br />Mr. Hyden. Motion carried 5 - 0. <br /> <br />V. ACTION ITEMS <br /> <br />A. Variance from the Ordinary High Water Level t o allow for the reconstruction <br />of an accessory structure located at 1801 77 th St. <br /> <br />Paul Bengtson, Associate Planner, presented the sta ff report. <br /> <br />Mr. Bengtson explained that since the writing of th e staff report, staff identified <br />additional issues with the application. Upon a sit e inspection, staff became aware that <br />there are two existing accessory structures on the property, which would be counted as <br />part of the total allowable accessory structures. Mr. Bengtson explained that a total of <br />3600 sq. ft. of accessory structures are allowed on a 4.89 acre parcel. In addition, the <br />application includes a request to put a roof struct ure over part of an existing deck. He <br />stated that because the existing deck is already an encroachment into the shoreland <br />setback area, the proposed deck cover addition woul d also be considered an <br />encroachment. <br /> <br />City Staff recommended denial of the variance reque st based on the facts that the <br />proposed addition would increase its nonconformity from the shoreland setback, the <br />proposed addition would surpass the allowable acces sory buildings on the site, and the <br />proposed deck cover addition would be an additional encroachment. <br /> <br />Mr. Bengtson explained that without approval of the application, the applicant would still <br />be able to rebuild exactly what existed prior to th e removal of his garage. <br /> <br />Applicant, Ron Marier, 1801 77 th St., stated that his property is taxed at 5.14 acr es. On <br />Peltier Lake, his house is the farthest away from t he lake as well as the highest. His plan <br />is to install a handicapped lift system in the home . Mr. Marier said that in order to <br />receive approval, he would move the addition back t o match the setback of the house. He <br />explained that they take care of people in an assis ted living type of process. He is <br />planning to add a mud room to correct a water probl em as well as to increase the area for <br />handicap access. Mr. Marier would like to keep thi s tradition going into the future. He <br />stated that without the addition, he would probably have to sell the property. Mr. Marier <br />would really like to keep the property in his famil y and would keep the property as <br />pristine as it is now. <br /> <br />Board members discussed the possibility of the addi tion being moved towards the front <br />of the home. Mr. Marier stated that he has been pl anning this project for many years and <br />explained why the addition is located as proposed. Mr. Marier noted that a different <br />location would change the aesthetics of the house. He would like to keep the original <br />integrity of the home. Mr. Marier explained the hi story of the property as well as the <br />existing structures on the site. <br />
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