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Anoka County City of Lino Lakes <br />assessor designating the cabins or units occupied for 250 days or Tess in the year <br />preceding the year of assessment by January 15 of the assessment year. Those cabins or <br />units and a proportionate share of the land on which they are located must be designated <br />as class 1 c as otherwise provided. The remainder of the cabins or units and a <br />proportionate share of the land on which they are located must be designated as class 3a <br />commercial. The owner of property desiring designation as class 1 c property must provide <br />guest registers or other records demonstrating that the units for which class 1 c <br />designation is sought were not occupied for more than 250 days in the year preceding the <br />assessment if so requested. The portion of a property operated as a (1) restaurant, (2) <br />bar, (3) gift shop, (4) conference center or meeting room, and (5) other nonresidential <br />facility operated on a commercial basis not directly related to temporary and seasonal <br />residential occupancy for recreation purposes does not qualify for class 1 c. (d) Class 1 d <br />property includes structures that meet all of the following criteria: (1) the structure is <br />located on property that is classified as agricultural property under section 273.13, <br />subdivision 23; (2) the structure is occupied exclusively by seasonal farm workers during <br />the time when they work on that farm, and the occupants are not charged rent for the <br />privilege of occupying the property, provided that use of the structure for storage of farm <br />equipment and produce does not disqualify the property from classification under this <br />paragraph; (3) the structure meets all applicable health and safety requirements for the <br />appropriate season; and (4) the structure is not salable as residential property because it <br />does not comply with local ordinances relating to location in relation to streets or roads. <br />The market value of class 1 d property has the same class rates as class 1 a property <br />under paragraph (a). <br />Subd. 23.Class 2. <br />(a) An agricultural homestead consists of class 2a agricultural land that is homesteaded, <br />along with any class 2b rural vacant land that is contiguous to the class 2a land under the <br />same ownership. The market value of the house and garage and immediately surrounding <br />one acre of land has the same class rates as class 1 a or 1 b property under subdivision 22. <br />The value of the remaining land including improvements up to the first tier valuation limit <br />of agricultural homestead property has a net class rate of 0.5 percent of market value. The <br />remaining property over the first tier has a class rate of one percent of market value. For <br />purposes of this subdivision, the "first tier valuation limit of agricultural homestead <br />property" and "first tier" means the limit certified under section 273.11, subdivision 23. (b) <br />Class 2a agricultural land consists of parcels of property, or portions thereof, that are <br />agricultural land and buildings. Class 2a property has a net class rate of one percent of <br />market value, unless it is part of an agricultural homestead under paragraph (a). Class 2a <br />property must also include any property that would otherwise be classified as 2b, but is <br />interspersed with class 2a property, including but not limited to sloughs, wooded wind <br />shelters, acreage abutting ditches, ravines, rock piles, land subject to a setback <br />requirement, and other similar land that is impractical for the assessor to value separately <br />from the rest of the property or that is unlikely to be able to be sold separately from the <br />rest of the property. An assessor may classify the part of a parcel described in this <br />subdivision that is used for agricultural purposes as class 2a and the remainder in the <br />class appropriate to its use. (c) Class 2b rural vacant land consists of parcels of property, <br />or portions thereof, that are unplatted real estate, rural in character and not used for <br />agricultural purposes, including land used for growing trees for timber, lumber, and wood <br />and wood products, that is not improved with a structure. The presence of a minor, <br />ancillary nonresidential structure as defined by the commissioner of revenue does not <br />disqualify the property from classification under this paragraph. Any parcel of 20 acres or <br />more improved with a structure that is not a minor, ancillary nonresidential structure must <br />be split - classified, and ten acres must be assigned to the split parcel containing the <br />structure. Class 2b property has a net class rate of one percent of market value unless it is <br />38 <br />